Submitted by Internasyonalismo on

Internasyonalismo welcomes the leaflet of KASOKU or Youth for Socialism and Communism, a group of students in the Philippines on the issue of charter change.
This group of young people is beginning to search for theoretical clarification under an environment dominated by Leftist ideologies of all varieties. Comrades in the Philippines have some opportunity to discuss with some of its members.
In the leaflet of KASOKU, printed in full below, we can observe the seriousness in its effort to stand on the interest of the international proletariat and on marxism. However, there are some points that the group should clarify in order to make their point of view more coherent to marxist and internationalist principles.
Our comments on the group's text has the sole objective of contributing to the group's continued search and study of the theory and practice of marxism.
KASOKU article correctly pointed out that the objective of charter change since the regime of Fidel Ramos in 1992-98 is to "save the decaying system" in line with the illusion of the "economic experts" that "this would make the Philippines more competitive in the global market and as one way to resist the global economic crisis". KASOKU tried to put the political squabbles of the different factions of the Philippine ruling class within the context of the world situation in which the Philippine economy is completely integrated.
KASOKU also stresses that both the administration and opposition are enemies of the working class as it states that, "either 'foreign and local' bourgeoisie class are both enemy of Proletarians".
However, it is not clear or elaborated on the statement on the role of the state when KASOKU states "because on the implication of ChaCha, the Philippine government will liberalize the economy or 'open up' the country to foreign capital investments". "Liberalization" has been the practice of the Philippine ruling class since the time of Corazon Aquino in 1986-1992 under the "Reaganomics" and "Thatcherism". Leftists often use the term "liberalization" to assert their state capitalist ideology and put forward the lie that the states under "neo-liberalism" do not intervene or decrease its intervention in the economic life of society and "surrender" this task to private capitalists. Besides, this "liberalization" propaganda of the Leftists reinforce nationalist ideology within the proletariat in the peripheries.
While we agree with KASOKU's call for "a discussion about social issues, not only student related issue but issues that would concern the decaying capitalist system in the country and or even the whole world", which for us an effort to uphold internationalist position and the statement which assert that the proletariat is "the only class in the society have the strong potential to change and bury the dying capitalist system in the country and in the world", we think that this is in contradiction when they stress the role of the students and youth as "Be the light to guide the proletarian class. Be the strength to struggle for international unification. Be the flames to burn their alienation from the abuses of the capitalist class". With this line of thinking, it seems that KASOKU might be misunderstood that it is just paying lip service that in capitalism the only revolutionary class and has the historic mission to smash world capitalism and establish world communist society is the working class and unwittingly implied that the students and youth are the "guiding light" for proletarian revolution instead of the fundamental marxist position that the emancipation of the working class is in the hands of the workers themselves. Even if the youth and students are the new generation of the proletariat, they should not act outside and worst, above their class like savior.
We fully support their call for fraternal discussions, debates and theoretical clarification especially among the youth - the new generation of the working class. Through these, we can understand fully KASOKU's correct call at the end of their text: "Onwards to Independent International Proletarian Revolution!" not as an empty sloganeering but as a possibility and necessity in order to form a new world society - communism. International proletarian revolution is the only program of the proletariat in all countries in the epoch of imperialism and decadent capitalism.
GMA1's Chacha2 : A Loose Hope Move to Save the Decaying System
Despite the on going financial crisis in the world, AH1n1 virus, the NBA finals and the Katrina Halili-Hayden Kho scandal, another issue emerges from the national administration headed by Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Is this a diversion? Or Maybe not. The undying issues of charter change of the capitalist government; is floating in the air again. This attempt was first launched in the Ramos administration; but it was a failure, because of the allied forces of the left and right wing in the government were united to resist the attempt of the government. Arroyo's administration and the rest of the allied capitalist forces in the government would really try to extend their rule, driven with their vested interests; or it would be the only way to save the decaying system in the country; amidst the crisis. According to some theorists, this would make the Philippines more competitive in the global market and as one way to resist the global economic crisis. With the few attempts to change or amend the 1987 Philippine constitution this is the worst and desperate one.
However, the Constitutional Assembly3 that was approved last Tuesday4, is one of the symptoms on how desperate the administration to save the decaying system. It is one clear manifestation that the decisions (whether in political or economic) depend on the hands of the ruling minority class within the government; either in the administration or opposition wing; no exemptions; the Parliament will be a tool to save the decaying system. Also, we believe that Chacha is a way to continue to exploit the struggling majority and strengthen the system from the worsening crisis. This would make the Philippines a center for cheap labor, wage slavery and mostly no benefits at all from the decaying system. The devastating disease the government is suffering right now and also evident to other countries that adopt capitalist system.
Yes, this is a disease, a kind of ailment that would trigger the administration to continue to defend the "capitalist system" in the country and to make it stronger, because on the implication of ChaCha, the Philippine government will liberalize the economy or "open up" the country to foreign capital investments; this attempt emerge in the Ramos administration. However this will not be the only main concern of the Proletarian class, because the Philippines is a backward Capitalist country, meaning either "foreign and local" bourgeoisie class are both enemy of Proletarians. Or the most brazen situation in the Philippines right now, is the "exploitation by our own Bourgeoisie class". As, a Marxist we encourage the Proletarian class to throw away their chains, and be united to emancipate their selves from this exploitation.
Now, talking about the role of the students and youth with this issue is the need to be aware and be involved in curing the disease of the Arroyo administration. Be the light to guide the proletarian class. Be the strength to struggle for international unification. Be the flames to burn their alienation from the abuses of the capitalist class. And lastly, become their inspiration to resist and throw away their chains from the decaying capitalist system, not only on respective countries but rather in the whole world. Even one who would engage in a discussion about social issues, not only student related issue but issues that would concern the decaying capitalist system in the country and or even the whole world; is a start towards a greater social consciousness. Indeed, the issue of Chacha is another placebo of the desperate capitalist government that would really mask the main agenda of the vanguards of capitalism within the Philippine government.
Lastly, we as a Marxist youth organization, the Kabataan para sa Sosyalismo ug Kumyunismo (KASOKU)5 together with Internasyonalismo and International Communist Current (ICC) would encourage every youth in the country to be involve on resisting the veils of lies of the administration in order to defend the decaying system. Also, be organized to be make movements to defend the interests of the proletarian class, because we believe that this is the only class in the society have the strong potential to change and bury the dying capitalist system in the country and in the world. Onwards to Independent International Proletarian Revolution!
1GMA - Gloria Macapagal Aroyo, the current president of the Philippine capitalist state.
2Cha-Cha - Charter change
3Consttituent Assembly (Con-ass) - the lower house of Philippine Congress decided on itself, excluding the upper house (Senate) to convene the lower house into Constituent Assembly to amend/change the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
4Tuesday, June 2, 2009
5KASOKU - Youth for Socialism and Communism