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  1. Against the threat of war in Korea

    ... nuclear attacks against South Korea as well as targets in Japan, Hawaii or Guam have been in the centre of the North Korean war rhetoric. South Korea, the USA and Japan have in turn declared their determination to strike back militarily ...

    ICConline - 2013-04-24 20:54

  2. The Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05: prelude to World War I

    ... demands for control over Korea, on February 8th 1904 Japan attacked the Russian fleet in Port Arthur and Tchemulpo. The ... of the victorious country, creating a pile of debts for Japan. Government expenditure more than doubled during the war, its budget had ...

    International Review - 2012-11-11 17:15

  3. The 8th Congress of the ICC: the stakes of the Congress

    ... Italy 11.2 13.9 25.5 ... (for an impressive tableau of this, see the article in IR 57, 'Economic Balance Sheet of the 1980s: the barbaric agony of ...

    International Review - 2010-07-29 02:45

  4. Understanding the period - class analysis and events in the Arab world

    ... war in Libya, and the massive withdrawal of capital to Japan that is almost bound to happen in the aftermath of the earthquake and ...

    ICConline - 2021-12-06 16:07

  5. What are workers' councils? (Part 4): The soviets attempt to wield power (1917 - 1921)

    ... imperialist powers: Britain, France, the United States, Japan, etc., who united their troops into a heterogeneous body of armed forces, ... of the insurrection”, . [24] . ...

    International Review - 2021-12-03 23:21

  6. Understanding capitalism’s drive to destroy the environment

    ... soil erosion and declining crop yields. In China, Japan, Ethiopia, Mesoamerica, the Central Andes, Western Asia, the elites and ...

    World Revolution - 2021-11-27 21:50

  7. Capitalist Barbarism and Ideological Manipulations

    ... never be used; the atomic bomb, the supreme weapon against Japan in 1945. Less well known but still more murderous, was the bombing of ... over Hiroshima" on ). As for the dropping of the second bomb on Nagasaki, [19] it ...

    International Review - 2021-07-03 15:16

  8. Bilan 1934: Evolution of British imperialism (part 1)

    ... of cotton enterprises, Britain today is clearly behind Japan, which is the most direct threat to its position in Asia. In 1932, the ... Japanese in 1932, but they were only 5% automated whereas Japan's were 50% automated: it had five times more automated looms than ...

    World Revolution - 2021-11-08 18:17

  9. British imperialism after World War 2, Part 1

    ... in regard to the war were: - to defeat Germany and Japan - to prevent the rise of Russia in Europe - to turn Britain and ... stimulate the US economy. The reconstruction of Europe and Japan would thus provide markets for US industry and agriculture, while making ...

    World Revolution - 2021-11-08 18:20

  10. Nuclear energy, capitalism and communism

    ... has taken place at the nuclear power plant at Fukushima in Japan has once again revealed the predatory exploitation of nature by ... was 13,045,000 tons requiring 35% of the land surface (11.2 million acres). Half a century later production had risen to 65,050,000 ...

    ICConline - 2011-09-04 23:27
