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  1. Max Raphael, structuralism, shamanism and Upper Palaeolithic art

    ... de Saussure (1857-1913) who, amazingly, didn't write a book but whose ideas are known from the notes amassed and kept by his students! ... of a social struggle through a structured code. He wrote one book, Prehistoric Cave Paintings, ( 1945), in which he insisted on the unity ...

    International Review - 2019-04-28 21:34

  2. The Communist Left of France, 1944

    ... Around the Italian Fraction of the Communist Left (see our book The Italian Communist Left), reconstituted in Marseille in 1942, there ... Left to the Proletarians of Europe, published in the book cited above). An overestimation of the historic period When ...

    International Review - 2005-08-05 04:47

  3. Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution (volumes 1, 2 & 3): an appraisal

    ... down of the surpassed capitalist state. There is in the book also an important lesson about the necessity of a transitional period. The ... an unconscious or spontaneous process. On the contrary, the book demonstrates that it requires a clear consciousness from the proletariat ...

    ICConline - 2018-02-03 09:52

  4. Crises and cycles in the economy of dying capitalism, part 2

    ... stimulating the large-scale cultivation of raw materials for export: cotton, rice, rubber, etc. Colonial loans represent an advance on ...

    International Review - 2016-08-08 19:59

  5. 1940: Assassination of Trotsky

    ... Paris in 1938. Now Trotsky himself had to die. In his book I was Stalin’s agent 2, general Walter Krivitsky, the head of ... to have no answer to the question, on the contrary his book gives a very clear one. The Moscow trials and the liquidation of the ...

    International Review - 2004-12-12 18:09

  6. The crisis of Russia and the Eastern countries (part 2)

    ... are orientated to­wards the West have had to modify their export policies and reorientate their trade towards the East. ... ‘People’s Democracies’, to which Russia has begun to export the effects of the crisis. This doesn’t mean that Russia will give up ...

    International Review - 2008-10-09 14:05

  7. Left wing communism and the left wing of capital

    ... expressed doubts about the leftist habit of using Lenin’s book Left wing Communism as a tactical manual for all occasions; one said ... we made at this meeting. The talk on Lenin’s book was given by David Broder, a former member of the Commune group which ...

    ICConline - 2014-09-06 11:29

  8. Permanent armaments production

    ... what was to become his famous war cry, " Germany must export or perish!" We have seen how the growth of capitalism after World War ...

    ICC - 2007-11-10 11:35

  9. NHS: Investing in cuts

    ... Above all there will be more choice through ‘choose and book’, so appointments can be made in the GP surgery, cutting delays and ... are being ruled out for the NHS. Nevertheless, ‘choose and book’ has a huge amount of government money invested in it. The investment ...

    World Revolution - 2006-05-10 09:07

  10. Rosa Luxemburg belongs to the proletarian revolution, not to the social democrats!

    ... society. After the odious propaganda of the Black Book of Communism, it is henceforth this idea of Luxemburg as the enemy of ...

    ICConline - 2015-05-24 09:55
