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  1. What point has the crisis reached?: The crisis transforms Western Europe into a social powder keg

    ... daylight: war is waged with reduced production costs, state export subsidies, protectionist measures and ‘market share’ bargaining, ...

    International Review - 2010-12-10 23:46

  2. Theses on the international situation

    ... market where each national capital in order to survive must export its own commodities to the detriment of rival capitals, the only ...

    International Review - 2012-10-06 01:28

  3. Review of Chris Knight's "Blood Relations: Menstruation and the Origins of Culture"

    ... perspective. The basic problem raised in Knight's book is the role of woman in the transition from nature to culture. An ... and human predation. The principal merit of Knight's book, in my opinion, is that by seeking to return to the question of the ...

    ICConline - 2009-07-03 23:27

  4. Trotsky and the culture of communism

    ... served as an introduction to an extract from Trotsky’s book Literature and Revolution , which in our view presents the clearest ... own comments, are taken from the final chapter of the same book, where Trotsky outlines his vision of art and culture in the developed ...

    International Review - 2014-04-05 22:05

  5. Honduras: the proletariat cannot take sides in this fight between bandits

    ... America through the port of Cortes, which also serves the export trade of Nicaragua and Honduras; in this way Venezuela will control a ...

    ICConline - 2009-08-14 13:27

  6. A belated answer to a revolutionary anarchist: Emma Goldman and the Russian Revolution

    ... of it”, she wrote in the introduction to her first book. We are responding to Emma Goldman because she was a central figure of the ... . [39] . Living My Life , Chapter 52. [40] ...

    International Review - 2018-12-04 20:34

  7. Unravelling the Russian enigma: 1926-36

    ... capable of giving rise to revolutionary minorities. Our book on the German-Dutch left contains precise evidence of the scale and ... on the nature of the USSR during this period – his book The Revolution Betrayed, written during his exile in Norway and ...

    International Review - 2014-04-05 21:55

  8. Anarcho-syndicalism in Argentina:FORA(1)

    ... The reality of this policy is more explicit in his book Elementos de derecho publico provincial argentino (Elements of Public ... this country constituted an important destination for the export of British capital; moreover this period was marked by a significant ...

    International Review - 2018-03-19 08:49

  9. 100 years after the foundation of the Communist International: What lessons can we draw for future combats? (part three)

    ... of the CP of Italy at the Fourth Comintern Congress, in our book The Italian Communist Left [35] Given that the conditions for ...

    International Review - 2020-11-01 17:34

  10. The Russian Revolution and the Italian Left 1933-46

    ... general tendency towards state capitalism. In our book on the Dutch Left, for example, we point out that Otto Ruhle, one ... in more depth was Otto Rühle. In a remarkable pioneering book, published in 1931 in Berlin under the pseudonym Carl Steuermann, ...

    International Review - 2004-11-30 09:12
