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  1. 70 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    ... in Hiorshima,on August 6 1945, more than a hundred thousand of its inhabitants were atrociously pulverised, being used as a target in a ... the sole class bearing a perspective for the future of humanity, is thus also the only class capable of putting an end to the barbaric ...

    ICConline - 2016-07-28 22:11

  2. 18th RI Congress: Confidence in the future

    2620 reads Last spring, the 18th Congress of RI took place. This plenary assembly of the ICC’s section in France was a ... to pursue our activity and combat for the unification of humanity and the construction of a new society without want, war and ...

    ICConline - 2010-09-16 09:35

  3. Capitalism is condemned...

    ... into barbarism if left to its own devices. The evolution of imperialist war over the last hundred years has shown how this terrible ... a communist society, can put science at the service of humanity. Despite the past 100 years of the decline and putrefaction of ...

    World Revolution - 2007-05-09 12:16

  4. It will take a revolution to end capitalism

    ... changed its tone, no longer playing down the extreme gravity of the present economic crisis or its similarities with 1929. But it is ... and if there is no resistance to it, capitalism will drag humanity not only towards the abyss of poverty but towards outright ...

    ICConline - 2008-10-20 11:42

  5. From Austro-marxism to Austro-fascism

    ... Along with Gramscian factoryism, the Austro-­marxist form of councilism seems to be approaching the zenith of a posthumous ... This would lead to a unity based on the common interests of humanity as a whole. Thanks to Count Sturgkh, who had ...

    International Review - 2008-07-07 14:47

  6. Iraq: despite the fine speeches a war without end

    2612 reads On the 1st of May 2003, President George Bush - the cowboy turned fighter pilot-landing on ... to offer; only the world working class revolution can give humanity a chance for survival. ES, 11/25/03. Geographical:  ...

    Internationalism USA - 2013-07-07 15:04

  7. The Crisis Is Not Over, Despite Rhetoric of ‘Green Shoots’

    ... Mr. Obama and his team came to power warning that the worst of the crisis was yet to come, that things would get worse before they would ... to get the world over the crisis of 1929, instead they sunk humanity into WW II, a new carnage far more devastating than the first Great ...

    Internationalism USA - 2009-10-20 20:19

  8. The slowing down of the growth of the productive forces of capitalism since World War 2

    3019 reads The accelerating of the rhythm of development of the productive forces after World War 2 was one ... slackening in the growth of the productive forces that humanity has ever known. Never before has the contrast between what is possible ...

    ICC - 2016-08-05 22:56

  9. France: Scandal of the abattoirs

    ... was written by our section in France as a response to cases of cruelty against animals exposed in French slaughter-houses. But the same ... of capitalist growth is a price worth paying for feeding humanity. That’s false. The reality is that industry produces in a blind ...

    ICConline - 2016-06-05 08:03

  10. Trotsky, Pannekoek, Appel: Loyal proletarian fighters

    ... militants, tireless fighters, martyrs, thinkers and men of action. This is due to the fact that, unlike other revolutionary classes, ... the age of 95. This was a life lived for the liberation of humanity. The revolutionary wave at the beginning of the 20th ...

    World Revolution - 2010-10-06 21:45
