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  1. Who can change the world? (Part 2): The proletariat is still the revolutionary class

    ... of his own condition). Fundamentally, it is determined by economic criteria. Who belongs to the working class? ... productive and non-productive labor, see our pamphlet on The decadence of capitalism. [6] Although we should note at the same ...

    International Review - 2010-08-19 08:10

  2. Does marxism have a religious view of the historic mission of the working class?

    ... exist such a line of separation between the proletariat's economic struggles and the revolutionary assault. Since the aspirations of the ... nationalism. However, as this competition derives from the economic nature of the bourgeoisie and the petty-bourgeoisie, the nature of the ...

    World Revolution - 2005-07-19 23:33

  3. Critique of Pannekoek’s Lenin as Philosopher by Internationalisme, 1948 (part 1)

    ... production. Rapidly, because the foundations of its socio­economic system were not yet very solid; empirically, because capitalism was ... reason. Bourgeois materialism grew up in a specific socio-economic milieu, and revolutionary materialism also required a specific ...

    International Review - 2019-04-28 23:26

  4. Presentation

    ... is about the life of the bourgeoisie of the strongest economic and military power. It is part of an analysis of the ruling class in ... an obstacle to the bourgeoisie’s ‘solution’ to the economic crisis: world war. It was possible to define this period as a ...

    International Review - 2018-01-31 20:19

  5. Brown premiership: Same attacks in new wrapping

    ... under Thatcher replaced Labour in order to accelerate the economic attacks that were necessary to keep British capitalism going, leaving ... General and theoretical questions:  Economic crisis ...

    World Revolution - 2007-07-08 22:41

  6. "Democratic rights" and the proletarian struggle today

    ... workers' struggles cannot be restricted to the defence of economic interests alone. For example, mobilisations to defend workers who are ... superiority, but simply on the basis of the military and economic superiority of the peoples and states who use them. Some of these ...

    International Review - 2007-06-08 00:07

  7. All-India workers’ strike of 28 February 2012: General strike or union ritual?

    ... understand this we have to look at what is happening at the economic and social level and within the working class in India. Worsening ... conditions of workers Despite all the big talk about economic boom by the Indian bourgeoisie, the economic situation has been ...

    ICConline - 2012-03-21 21:26

  8. Against the ‘medicine’ of austerity: The class struggle!

    ... attacks being mounted by capitalism, the brutality of the economic crisis, the proletariat's lack of self-confidence - all this tends to ... Recent and ongoing:  Class struggle Economic Crisis ...

    ICC - 2010-06-12 12:10

  9. The national question from the 1920s to World War 2

    ... the most important contribution to the understanding of the decadence of the capitalist system, applying Luxemburg’s analysis of the ... Here Mattick supported Lenin’s economics against the economic theories of Luxemburg, but nevertheless strongly defended ...

    ICC - 2006-02-01 10:21

  10. Towards general assemblies in India

    ... to participate showed that, for all the talk of India’s economic ‘boom’, it’s not experienced by the working class. However, ... This sector has been traumatised by the impact of the economic crisis. No longer a growth area and source of great profits it’s ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:52
