Submitted by ICConline on

March 2nd, despite all our objections, the tents were taken down by
the union bosses and the street in front of the Turk-Is HQ was
cleared with us being told we had to return home. 70 to 80 of us
stayed in Ankara in order to discuss what we could do for the next
three days. After these three days, 60 of us returned to our
hometowns, and 20 of us including myself stayed for two more days, so
although the Ankara struggle lasted for 78 days, we stayed for 83. We
agreed that we had to work very hard in order to advance the
struggle, and I too eventually returned to Adiyaman. As soon as I got
back from Ankara, 40 of us went to visit our class brothers and
sisters involved in the Cemen Tekstil strike in Gaziantep. The Tekel
struggle was an example to the class. I was, as a Tekel worker, both
proud and also thought that I thought we could do more for our class
and that I had to contribute to our class. Although my economic
situation did not allow it and despite the exhaustion of 83 days of
struggle and other problems, I had to do more than I could to move
the process further. What we had to do was to form a formal committee
and take the process into our own hands. Even if we couldn't
formalize it, we at least had to form it by keeping in contact with
workers from all cities, since we were to return to Ankara on April
We have to go to everywhere we can and tell people about
the Tekel struggle to its last detail. For this we have to form a
committee and unite with the class. Our job is harder than it seems!
We have deal with capital on the one hand, the government on the
other and the trade-union bosses on the other hand. We all have to
struggle in the best way. Even if our economical situation isn't
good, even if we are physically tired, if we want victory, we have
struggle, struggle, struggle!!!
Although I was away from my
family for 83 days, I stayed at home only for a week. I went to
Istanbul to tell people about the Tekel resistance without even
having a chance to catch up with my wife and children. We had many
meetings of the informal Tekel workers committee especially in
Diyarbakir, Izmir, Hatay, and I participated in many meetings with
fellow workers from the informal committee in Istanbul. We had
meetings in the Mimar Sinan University, one in Sirinevler Teachers'
Hostel, one in the Engineers' Union's building, we had
discussions with pilots and other aircraft workers from the dissident
Rainbow movement in Hava-Is [a trade union], and we met with law
employees. We also met with the Istanbul chairman of the Peace and
Democracy Party and asked for Tekel workers to be given the chance to
speak on the Newroz holiday. The meetings were all very warm. Our
request from the PDP was accepted and they asked me to participate in
the Newroz demonstrations as a speaker. Because I had to return to
Adiyaman, I suggested a fellow worker from Istanbul as a speaker.
While I was in Istanbul, I visited the struggling firemen, Sinter
metal workers, Esenyurt municipality workers, Sabah newspaper and ATV
television strikers on the last day the struggling workers from the
Istanbul Water and Sewers Department (ISKI). For half a day, we
talked with these workers how we can make the struggle grow bigger
and also we told them about the Tekel struggle and discussed. What
the ISKI workers told me first was that they started their struggle
with the courage they got from the Tekel workers. Every demonstration
I went to, every struggle I visited, this I heard, ‘We got courage
from Tekel', in the week I spent in Istanbul, this made me feel the
happiest. The time I spent in Istanbul was very fulfilling for me
also. There were also bad things, of course, unfortunately a close
relative of mine passed away but I still decided not to leave and
stay the whole week as planned.
Speaking of bad things, in
this period, 24 student class brothers and sisters were kicked out of
their school (Mehmetcik High School) for supporting the Tekel
struggle. Also, in Ankara, a class sister of ours from the Scientific
and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Aynur
Camalan, was fired. When capital is attacking us workers like this,
so ruthlessly, we have to unite against it. Thus we made two press
announcements in Adiyaman and showed that our friends were not alone.
We also had been preparing for the demonstration on April 1st. What
the trade-union bosses wanted was to go to Ankara with 50 people from
every city, with a total of one thousand. As the informal committee,
we increased this number from 50 to 180 in Adiyaman alone, and I
myself came to Ankara with ten other workers on March 31st. Despite
all the announcements of the union to make the number limited to 50,
we managed to help 180 workers come (with us covering the costs, not
the union), because we were aware of how the trade-union wanted to
manipulate like they did before. We had meetings with lots of mass
organizations, associations and unions. We visited Aynur Camalan, the
TUBITAK worker sister, who had lost her job.
On April 1st, we
gathered in Kizilay [the centre of Ankara, the capital of Turkey] but
we had to make a lot of effort to get to the street in front of
Turk-Is, because 15 thousand policemen guarded the building. What
were all these policemen doing in front of us and the trade-union?
Now, we have to ask those who stand against us even when we talk
about the union bosses, even when we say the unions should be
questioned: if there is a 15 thousand-strong police barricade in
front of us and the trade-union, why do the trade-unions exist? If
you ask me, it is quite natural for the police to protect the union
and the union bosses, because don't the union and the
trade-unionists protect the government and capital? Don't the
trade-unions exist only in order to keep the workers under control on
behalf of capital?
On April 1st, despite everything, 35-40 of us
managed to cross the barricade one by one and went to the street in
front of Turk-Is. Our purpose was to have a certain majority and to
manage for other friends of ours to get there, but we failed,
unfortunately our majority couldn't deal with 15,000 policemen. The
trade-union had declared previous that only 1000 of us would come to
Ankara. As the informal committee, we managed to increase this number
to 2300. 15,000 policemen were blocking the way of 2300 people. We
gathered on Sakarya street. We were to at least spend the night
there, with all those who came to support us. Within the day, we had
been attacked twice by the police with pepper gas and police batons.
Our purpose was of course to spend the night on the street in front
of the Turk-Is HQ but when we came up against the police, we stayed
in the Sakarya street, but during the night the trade-unionists
silently and cunningly called for fellow workers to leave the area.
We remained only as a certain minority. The trade-unionists called
myself too several times and told me to leave the area but we did not
heed to the call of the union bosses and stayed as a certain
minority. When the supporters also left around 23:00, we had to leave
as well.
There was to be a press announcement on April 2nd.
When we were about to enter Sakarya street at about 9:00 in the
morning, we were attacked by the police, who again used pepper gas
and batons. An hour or so later, about a hundred of us managed to
cross the barricade and had a sit-in. The police kept threatening us.
We kept resisting. The police finally had to open the barricade and
we managed to unite with the other group who had remained outside. We
started marching towards Turk-Is but the union bosses did what they
had to again, and made their press announcement 100 meter away from
the Turk-Is HQ. No matter how we insisted, the union bosses resisted
to going to the street in front of Turk-Is. The union and the police
joining their hands, and some among us actually falling for what they
stood for, we ended up not managing to go to where we wanted to go.
There was an interesting point among the things the trade-unionists
had said. They said we will come back on June 3rd and stay in front
of Turk-Is for three nights. It is curious how we will manage to stay
there for 3 nights, as we didn't even stay for a single night this
time. Afterwards, the police had to first protect the trade-unionists
from us and aid their escape, then we were left alone with the
police. Regardless of the threats and the pressures of the police, we
did not disperse and then we were once again attacked with pepper
spray and batons and had to disperse. In the afternoon, we had a
black wreath made by some flourists in order to condemn Turk-Is and
the government, which we left in front of the Turk-Is building.
dear class brothers and sisters, what we have to question is, if
there are 15 thousand policemen barricaded in front of the
trade-union and the worekrs, why do the trade-unions exist. I am
calling on all my class brothers and sisters, that if we want victory
we have to struggle together. We the Tekel workers have lit a spark,
and we shall turn it into a massive fireball all together. In this
sense, when I express my respect for all of you, I want to conclude
my text with a poem:
The steam of the tea flies away while our
lives are still fresh
Cloths get as long as roads, and only sorrow
A bown of rice, they say our food has landed on our
Yearnings become roads, roads, where does labour go
is for us, cold is for us, poverty is for us
They have called in
fate, living with it is for us
Us who feed, us who hunger, us who
are naked again
We have not written this fate, it is us who will
break it yet again
We the Tekel workers say that even if our head
hits the ground, still we shall leave an honorable future for our
A Tekel Worker from Adiyaman