Submitted by ICConline on

In the first issue of Dünya Devrimi, dated September 2008 we have written: "...the reason we have chosen the name Dünya Devrimi is that we have organizationally entered a direction regarding our international future. Based on our conclusions that a communist organization can't exist on a national or regional level and that communist militants functioning in a locality has to be a part of an internationally centralized communist organization, we have been discussing the platform of the International Communist Current which at the moment has sections in fourteen countries and with whom we have already been working together and in solidarity with, with the perspective of forming a section of this organization in Turkey. Just as there is no room for impatience in any activity of revolutionaries, there is no room for impatience in this process of discussion, clarification and integration into the ICC. An integration made in a hasty and artificial way rather than a solid and organic way would not do any good and we continue the process of integration which we knew to have been a long term process with patience and the purpose of developing real clarity. On the other hand, we are clarifying within this process as well and we feel it would be helpful to draw our activities closer to those of an organization whose political principles as well as conception of an internationally centralized organization we share. For this reason we have found giving the name of ICC papers World Revolution in England, Revolución Mundial in Mexico, Weltrevolution in Germany and Switzerland and Wereld Revolutie in Netherlands to our publication. Also in this context we have found the opportunity to anounce that we are working in order to be integrated into the ICC."
We want to inform our readers with great happiness that as a result of deep discussions held with patience we have been integrated into the International Communist Current and formed the section of the International Communist Current in Turkey named Dünya Devrimi by dissolving our previous group, Enternasyonalist Komünist Sol. Thus Dünya Devrimi is no longer the publication brought out by a small number of militants in one country but is the publication of an organization centralized on the international level. Our organization is now one organization united on the world level around our programatic principles, our platform, it is a world organization and with this mode of centralization it differs from international roof-like foundations in which different national organizations aren't even properly aware of one another.
The decision of militants who formed Enternasyonalist Komünist to join the ICC is not an isolated incident on the international level. It was thus that our last international congress, for the first time in a quarter century, was able to welcome the delegations of different groups that stood clearly on internationalist class positions (OPOP from Brazil, the SPA from Korea, EKS from Turkey, and the Internasyonalismo group from the Philippines[1], although the latter was unable to be present physically). Contacts and discussions have continued since with other groups and elements from other parts of the world, especially in Latin America where we have been able to hold public meetings in Peru, Ecuador, and Santo Domingo[2]. With the same perspective, the militants of the group called Internasyonalismo in the Philippines have, just like us who joined the ICC from Turkey, patiently been through a process of indepth discussions and have became a part of the ICC, forming the section of our organization in this very important country. We hope that with the rise in the class struggles internationally, the fact that the International Communist Current has two new sections now is only a beginning.
Dünya Devrimi
[1] OPOP: Oposição Operária (Workers' Opposition); SPA: Socialist Political Alliance; EKS: Enternasyonalist Komünist Sol (Internationalist Communist Left); Internasyonalismo (Internationalism).
[2] See on our web site "Internationalist debate in the Dominican Republic", "Reunión Pública de la CCI en Perú: Hacia la construcción de un medio de debate y clarificación" and "Reunion pública de la CCI en Ecuador: un momento del debate internacionalista".