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  1. The Russian Experience: Private Property and Collective Property

    ... of the left opposition group L’Unite Leniniste in 1927, and of Redressement Communiste from 1928 to 1931, went through an ...

    International Review - 2023-11-06 16:43

  2. New ICC publications for the month: October 2023


    webmaster - 2023-10-25 06:00

  3. In memory of our comrade Miguel

    ... of the "Meccas of socialism" (Russia, Yugoslavia, Albania, China, Cuba etc.) were communism nor were they "in transition towards it", they ...

    ICConline - 2023-11-02 11:38

  4. China: Economic crisis exacerbates social and political tensions

    155 reads China is experiencing the biggest economic crisis in 50 years, against a ... economic and military pressure from the United States: "China is caught up in the global dynamic of the crisis, with its financial ... the regional authorities - and corporate debt are colossal. China's public and private debt, which exceeded 250% of GDP in 2021, will reach ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-14 15:14

  5. The dynamic of decaying capitalism leads to more and more wars

    ... the United States and, facing them, their main challenger, China, which is intensifying in an increasingly open and violent way. Within ... bourgeoisie, the main factions are united in the view that China must at all costs be prevented from strengthening its position as a world ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-13 23:42

  6. Coups d'état in the Sahel: a further step in the destabilisation of the region

    ... in its traditional zone of influence (the Wagner group, China, etc.) are concerned about the fate of the population. On the contrary, ... with the coup plotters now preferring to deal with Russia or China rather than Western countries. In reality, it is the expression of a ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-14 09:26

  7. Strikes and demonstrations in the United States, Spain, Greece, France... How can we develop and unite our struggles?

    ... Anger is rising again in Europe, Asia and Oceania. China, Korea and Australia have also been experiencing a succession of strikes ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-14 17:28

  8. The SWP justifies Hamas slaughter

    ... forces: Germany and Italy in the 1930s, the USSR, China, Saudi Arabia, or Iraq in the post-war period. Today Hamas and Hezbollah ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-14 09:29

  9. The struggle is ahead of us!

    ... than 100 strikes against wage arrears and redundancies in China, a strike and demonstrations after a terrible train crash in Greece, ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-14 09:28

  10. Exacerbation of tensions between the great powers and instability of alliances

    ... a clear exacerbation of the opposition between the USA and China, highlighted most recently by the so-called “Aukus” agreement between the US, Britain and Australia, and explicitly aimed at China. Polarisation of tensions in the China Sea The Biden ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-03 06:00
