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  1. Capitalism can’t feed the world

    ... puts basic necessities out of reach of the world's poor. Used on the front page of World Revolution 314, May 2008. UN ... challenge of global proportions” . While the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that globally average food ... effect on the overall situation. 2008, for example, is the International Year of the Potato. The FAO enthuses over the nutritional ...

    World Revolution - 2008-06-02 20:12

  2. SWP defend Iraqi capitalism

    ... opposed to those of the capitalist state, whether it's dominated by Saddam now, by British imperialism in the 1920s, by the monarchy ... state is to work actively against the possibility of the international unification of the class struggle in the future. Car, ...

    World Revolution - 2005-02-11 20:05

  3. For or against the veil in French schools

    ... and community divisions in their most petty aspects. It's a question of getting the workers to compete with one another, not only ... oppression. AM, 20/2/04. Notes See our International Review no. 109 for the text 'The resurgence of Islamism, symptom ...

    World Revolution - 2004-12-24 00:49

  4. James Connolly opposes Irish independence

    ... as well, so it appears here in an appendix with the author's permission.   Introduction This article by the Irish ... a significant political party affiliated with the Socialist International. My (quick) revulsion at the weakness of American liberals to ...

    ICConline - 2010-07-13 18:37

  5. Attacks on health: NHS job losses and reduced health care

    ... The crisis in the NHS is getting worse. It’s forecast to be in deficit by between £600 million and over a billion. A ... similar ‘reforms’ since the 1980s, as a report by the International Labour Organisation in the late 1990s made clear: “ The need ...

    World Revolution - 2006-02-07 12:01

  6. Bilan 1935: Evolution of British imperialism (part 2)

    ... The Treaty of Versailles stamped out British imperialism's most formidable competitor in the decades that preceded the war. The ... the tensions in Asia, the stifling ambience in which international trade is taking place today, are elements which can only further ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 15:26

  7. Massive class conflicts on the horizon

    ... be surprised if the ruling class likes to argue that there’s no such thing as class conflict, that the British, or the French, the ... In the years that followed, there were further international waves of class conflict, which saw workers making important ...

    World Revolution - 2006-07-04 12:04

  8. Comprehensive spending review: An attack on the whole working class

    ... hurt ” was the Sun headline after the government’s October Comprehensive Spending Review. “Osborne whacks Britain” also ... following desperate pleas for support from the International Monetary Fund, Labour introduced massive cuts in public spending. ...

    World Revolution - 2010-11-07 18:50

  9. Fahrenheit 9/11 Obscures Reality of War in Iraq

    3375 reads Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11 , honored by the Cannes Film Festival, more for its ... the conduct of the war in Iraq. Walt Disney Co., the film's producer, originally decided not to permit the film to go into theatrical ... how hard the US should have worked to pressure for international endorsement of the invasion, and what military tactics and ...

    Internationalism USA - 2005-03-31 16:54

  10. Pakistan: Obama’s new imperialist front line

    ... to this the publicity over the video of a young woman's public flogging has been used as part of the campaign to justify future ... tendency there is only the potential of the struggle of the international working class. In particular, in the region, we have seen the ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 15:04
