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  1. The Platform of the Communist International

    ... its parliamentary system, only pretends to give the masses a voice in running the government. In reality the masses and their organisations ...

    International Review - 2015-07-12 18:57

  2. PCI trails behind the "Internal Fraction" of the ICC (part 2)

    ... of the PCI of the time who had prevented the expression of internationalist positions within a working class struggle, to the great ...

    World Revolution - 2005-07-19 23:25

  3. How the working class brought an end to World War I

    ... bourgeoisie – and then betrayed in theory and practice the internationalist principles of the Stuttgart and Basle Congresses of the 2nd ... but also the theoretical weaknesses of the communists and internationalist anarchists of the period. The role of unions and a lot of ...

    ICConline - 2014-10-18 21:32

  4. The Hot Autumn in Italy 1969 (Part 1)

    ... Reverberi, 30 years old. Finally, when the furious voice of a police chief was recorded shouting ‘fire into the crowd', it was ...

    International Review - 2010-02-18 10:04

  5. Democratic demands in the 20th century

    ... in France and Italy. We should also note that the defence of internationalist and revolutionary ideas had become particularly difficult ... the Second World War, when those who had remained loyal to internationalist principles were denounced - above all by the Stalinists - as ...

    International Review - 2007-06-08 00:04

  6. Chávez' legacy: the defense of capital and the deception of the impoverished masses

    ... unemployed workers and supporters of the government. Not content with laying off 20,000 oil workers, the government made it impossible ...

    ICConline - 2013-05-03 21:49

  7. The youth revolts in Greece confirm the development of the class struggle

    ... wise leaders or "able" representatives. We have to acquire a voice of our own, to meet up, to talk, to decide, and to act. Against the ...

    International Review - 2009-03-15 18:29

  8. Tony Cliff: defender of state capitalism

    ... While revolutionaries in the Second World War took an internationalist position against both ‘democratic’ and ‘fascist’ ...

    World Revolution - 2005-01-16 23:42

  9. 4 - The theory of decadence at the heart of historical materialism

    ... to its entirely ideological nature ”. Finally, for Internationalist Perspective (“Towards a new theory of the decadence ...

    International Review - 2008-04-06 14:42

  10. International Situation (resolution)

    ... here again, one of the reasons for this accumulation of dis­content is that the discrediting of the unions prevents them from organizing ...

    International Review - 2010-07-21 02:32
