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  1. War in the Middle East: another step towards barbarism and global chaos

    ... out of hand... a perfectly illusory ambition in the long term, given the disastrous dynamic into which the Middle East is sinking. ...

    ICConline - 2023-11-11 10:31

  2. The Russian Experience: Private Property and Collective Property

    ... why, in the ICP’s publications, we see constantly the term ‘degenerated workers’ state’ when they are in fact referring to the ...

    International Review - 2023-11-06 16:43

  3. The struggle is ahead of us!

    ... capitalist austerity also lies in the fact that, in the long term, they also include opposition to war. Indeed, if the direct mobilisation ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-14 09:28

  4. Coups d'état in the Sahel: a further step in the destabilisation of the region

    ... being played by Washington, which did not even use the term 'coup d'état' [...] an American general replied: 'From Niger we are ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-14 09:26

  5. The crisis: into the abyss

    ... and generalised debt. The shattering failure of the Long Term Capital Management hedge fund is a striking illustration: "Although this ...

    International Review - 2023-10-12 06:00

  6. The unions don’t unite our struggle – they organise its division!

    ... with the majority of teachers and researchers on short term and unstable contracts), stagnating wages and rising prices. All this was ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-10 06:00

  7. Between internationalism and the "defence of the nation"

    ... authentic internationalists like Lenin used the term “revolutionary defeatism” to insist that the class struggle must ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-06 06:00

  8. Some impressions of the ICC meetings of the 5th and 6th of March 2022

    ... the dangers and the evident barbarism and potential long-term nature of this war, the ICC defended its position that imperialist blocs ... brutal and generalising imperialist warfare over the longer term. The present war in Ukraine is a prime example of imperialism in ...

    ICConline - 2023-10-06 06:00

  9. Extinction Rebellion: bourgeois reformism in disguise

    ... bring opponents to the table – as shown by the long-term success of many labour strikes around the world." Without dwelling on the "long term success of many labour strikes" (no evidence is presented) Hallam is ...

    ICConline - 2023-09-23 06:00

  10. Covid-19: despite all the obstacles, the class struggle forges its future

    ... down” for a  considerable period but which in the longer term could mature to the point where it can express itself openly. The ...

    ICConline - 2023-09-26 06:00
