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  1. Postal workers can’t win alone

    ... and part-time working). These are both the short and long term objectives of RM and, under the guidance of Leighton and Crozier, it has ...

    World Revolution - 2021-11-06 20:43

  2. Lessons of the English Revolution (Part 2): The response of the exploited

    ... Overton and William Walwyn, July 1646. [6] The term ‘leveller' was first used in the Midlands revolt of 1607 to refer to ...

    World Revolution - 2021-11-15 22:16

  3. British economy at the bottom of the pile

    ... commentators call the 30 Glorious Years, although the term has little currency in the Anglo-Saxon countries These years, though very ...

    World Revolution - 2021-11-08 18:22

  4. Report on the pandemic and the development of decomposition

    ... Our analysis took care to clarify the two meanings of the term ‘decomposition’: on the one hand, it applies to a phenomenon that ... To answer this question, it is necessary to assess the short-term (effective control of the pandemic) and medium-term impact of the Covid-19 ...

    International Review - 2021-09-27 12:02

  5. Belfast 1907: Socialism and mass workers' struggle against religious sectarianism

    ... same illusion which is fostered today by the idea that long term peace can be established between the religious communities when the arsons ... to religious sectarianism, or had grasped that in the long term it would prove economically counter-productive, were more or less obliged ...

    ICConline - 2021-11-09 14:38

  6. Bilan 1934: Evolution of British imperialism (part 1)

    ... interested in direct industrial participation and long-term loans, limiting itself to short term loans and the financing of the wheels of production indirectly, through ...

    World Revolution - 2021-11-08 18:17

  7. Failure to Extend Unemployment Benefits Reveals Impasse of the US State

    ... the federal extensions, leading to the coining of a new term on the unemployment internet message boards—the “99 weeker.” ... has only served to subsidize unemployment by giving the long term unemployed an incentive to veg out and skip looking for work, at the same ...

    ICConline - 2021-08-17 23:06

  8. The culture of debate: A weapon of the class struggle

    ... there is little room for debate in the modern sense of the term. Around two and a half thousand years ago, a new quality began to assert ...

    International Review - 2021-11-06 21:37

  9. Part 3: The class nature of the social democracy

    ... The ICG reminds us of Marx and Engels’ rejection of the term “social-democrat” which in reality reflected the Lassallean weaknesses ...

    International Review - 2021-10-31 11:53

  10. Attempts to struggle outside union control

    ... [3] . Revenu de Solidarité Active, a new term for social security payments.   ...

    World Revolution - 2021-08-19 18:31
