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  1. The Communist Left in Russia: Manifesto of the Workers’ Group of the Russian Communist Party (Part 1)

    ... these here (although they are of course included in our book) insofar as they recall the vision of history and the role of the class ... International Review n°s. 8 and 9, also included in the book on the Russian left. [4] . " Members of the party who are ...

    International Review - 2010-11-21 18:06

  2. Discussion: Opportunism and centrism in the working class and its organizations

    ... Thus Rosa Luxem­burg totally ignored the soviets in her book on this revolution, whose title (and this in itself was significant) was ... [13] It's interesting to note that in this book -and has been shown in this Review in the response that Internationalisme wrote to this book (see IRs 25-30) - Pannekoek himself took curious lib­erties with marxism, ...

    International Review - 2010-07-16 06:31

  3. Lewis Henry Morgan, the punaluan family, the gentes and the defence of materialism

    ... in some places. That's not what is important about Morgan's book and Engels summary and additions to it in The Origins of the Family, ...

    International Review - 2013-08-16 00:30

  4. Lenin, Luxemburg, Liebknecht

    ... Communist Party of Italy refers to Lenin’s book on imperialism, without even mentioning Rosa’s fundamental work on this ...

    ICConline - 2019-01-27 13:43

  5. China's "revolution" of 1949: a link in the chain of imperialist war

    ... , 12th September 1930. In this respect, we recommend our book  The Italian Communist Left , and the series of articles published in ... [9]  A Neuberg,  The Armed Insurrection . This book was written around 1929 (after the 6th Congress of the International). It ...

    International Review - 2015-09-05 15:52

  6. 3 - From the RSAP to the ‘Marx-Lenin-Luxembourg Front’: The Sneevliet Tendency

    ... Notes 39. For the history of the RSAP: besides the book by Perthus, already quoted, see G. H. Pieterson; Het revolutionaire ...

    ICC - 2005-08-15 20:34

  7. May ’68: Resurgence of the proletarian struggle

    ... of nearly all his human dimensions, hence the title of his book One Dimensional Man . For Marcuse the ...

    International Review - 2008-10-09 14:10

  8. The communist left and internationalist anarchism, Part 2: On the difficulties of debating and the ways to overcome them

    ... of the Bolshevik party which had the same analyses. See our book The Russian Communist Left .   [3] ...

    World Revolution - 2010-10-26 13:42

  9. Karl Marx: a revolutionary militant

    ... from a wide-scale promotion throughout the media. This book is precisely called Karl Marx, a Man of the Nineteenth Century ...

    ICConline - 2018-07-16 16:23

  10. The Italian Fraction and the French Communist Left

    ... of the Italian Left In our book The Italian Communist Left, the ICC has put forward a history ...

    International Review - 2012-11-28 23:55
