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  1. The bankruptcy of councilism

    ... as a bloc like the Bordigists do, word for word, ‘by the book', but to understand that marxism is histor­ical materialism. If the ...

    International Review - 2010-07-15 02:01

  2. The struggle against unemployment is the struggle against capitalism

    ... Ignoring all the rigmarole of the trade union/legal rule book, hundreds of workers walked out on the spot in solidarity with other ...

    World Revolution - 2009-03-11 17:39

  3. 60 Years ago: a conference of internationalist revolutionaries

    ...  (available in French only). [3] See our book The Dutch and German communist left , notably the penultimate chapter. ... the Communistenbond Spartacus (see the last chapter of our book on The Dutch and German communist left ). We will limit ourselves to a ...

    International Review - 2008-02-04 20:17

  4. Frankenstein and the Luddites

    ... has said: the monster is the nicest person in the book. But then if he is "the working class" and most everyone else in it is ...

    ICConline - 2013-08-28 19:50

  5. Reading notes on science and marxism

    ... use of the ideas put forward by Dirk Couprie notably in his book Anaximander in context . [9] Rovelli also cites GER ... of a whole revolutionary class remains a closed book to him.   Life of the ICC:  Contribution to ...

    ICConline - 2012-03-10 11:43

  6. German Elections: The Bourgeoisie Prepares For The Coming Storms

    ... with the revisionist Bernstein, Rosa Luxemburg (in her book Reform or Revolution? ) explained that the “laws” discovered by ...

    ICConline - 2013-11-23 08:46

  7. From Austro-marxism to Austro-fascism

    ... above class relationships, capitalism remains a sealed book: for them the state is not a creation of the exploiting class with the ...

    International Review - 2008-07-07 14:47

  8. World Economic Crisis: A recession unlike the previous ones

    ... expert' of the banking and financial system, stated in a book with the evocative title 'Bankrupt' [4] : " Perhaps as much ...

    International Review - 2011-01-06 00:44

  9. Is it possible to reconcile anarchism and marxism? (ICC reply to GLC - extracts)

    ... the counter-revolution”, as well as in our newly published book: The Russian communist left . [10] ... [11] See our book on The Italian Communist Left . [12] ...

    International Review - 2005-06-14 20:07

  10. International Women’s Day: only communist society can end the oppression of women

    ... Though women's right to vote was still not on the statute book in France, Léon Blum nevertheless introduced women into the government ...

    ICConline - 2008-06-10 22:49
