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  1. The economic, political and social origins of fascism

    ... been organized by foreign capital for the purposes of war or export. After the downfall of Tsarism the bourgeoisie was unable to hold onto ...

    International Review - 2010-07-12 02:02

  2. Communism Vol. 3, Part 3 - Communism is not a 'nice idea', it is on the agenda of history (summary of Vol. 2)

    ... only be undertaken on an international scale; the book says very little about the relationship between the party and the new ... of the Bolshevik party during the imperialist war. His book Imperialism and World Economy paralleled Rosa Luxemburg’s ...

    International Review - 2007-06-03 10:36

  3. The evolution of the British situation since World War 2 (part two)

    ... state moves as a possible source of restraint on their own export program: -- in a period of acute rivalry with Russia, the Attlee ...

    International Review - 2013-07-07 17:38

  4. The hidden legacy of the left of capital (II): a method and way of thinking in the service of capitalism

    ... this repugnant transformation. We can refer to Ante Ciliga's book, The Russian Enigma to illustrate this [6] . It describes in detail ... 37, 1983) [8]        See our pamphlet, Unions against the ...

    ICConline - 2019-03-27 16:46

  5. Max Raphael and a Marxist perspective on art (Part 1)

    ... [5] . At the end of the section on Picasso, in his book Proudhon, Marx, Picasso [6] , Raphael talks about the ... [6] Proudhon, Marx, Picasso Three Studies in ...

    ICConline - 2016-03-27 08:48

  6. 1918: the revolution criticises its errors

    ... their effective abandonment of the world revolution (see the book by Guy Sabatier, Brest-Litovsk, coup d’arrêt à la révolution, ... confirmed in 1920, with the debacle around the attempt to export revolution to Poland on the bayonets of the Red Army. The ...

    International Review - 2014-04-05 12:43

  7. Death of Stephen Hawking: a scientific mind in the service of humanity

    ... the universe more accessible to the general public. His 1988 book A Brief History of Time became a best seller and still enraptures all ...

    ICConline - 2018-04-12 09:09

  8. Cleaning up the image of the democratic state

    ... Senior politicians and top police officers are bought to book and the media, from its right to left wing, as in the Hillsborough case ...

    ICConline - 2016-07-17 09:26

  9. 1492: The discovery of America

    ... celebrating an event which figures in every child's history book. And this is no accident. Christopher Columbus' arrival on the shores of ...

    International Review - 2013-07-08 21:41

  10. London

    ... necessity Introduction:  The author of the book produced by the International Communist Current 'Communism, not just a ...

    World Revolution - 2011-12-18 15:48
