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  1. Scargill’s memoirs of the 1984-85 strike: Hiding the NUM’s role in sabotaging the struggle

    ... areas in which Scargill was an expert. Such a rule book favoured the manoeuvres and manipulations of the ‘leadership', as with ... of the struggle versus the union's bureaucratic rule book and its division into antagonistic areas and fiefdoms of union bosses and ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:42

  2. How to deal with the Russian enigma?

    ... It was Marx in his polemic with Proudhon (the above cited book) who showed that: " the antagonism between the proletariat and the ... not develop on this question here. We have sent you the book we have published in French and English on the German and Dutch ...

    International Review - 2004-12-13 20:41

  3. 5 - The rejection of the defence of the USSR: the break with Trotskyism

    ... with the communist positions of Gorter, citing his book Open letter to comrade Lenin . He took up the book’s principal theses: - in Western Europe the role of the ...

    ICC - 2005-08-15 20:40

  4. What point has-the crisis reached?

    ... This is the law of the trade war, as it is in any war. 'Export or die' said Hitler: this has become the obsessive slogan of all the ...

    International Review - 2010-08-17 00:57

  5. President Trump: symbol of a dying social system

    ... warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese to support their export drive, and says he will pull out of all the existing international ...

    ICConline - 2016-11-13 19:11

  6. Communist Organisation: The Struggle of Marxism against Political Adventurism

    ... was the case with Franz Mehring's biography of Marx. In this book Mehring, who belonged to the determined left wing of the Second ... and "unworthy of the International". In his book, Mehring defended not only Bakunin, but also Lassalle and Schweitzer ...

    International Review - 2010-09-19 10:50

  7. The "Asian Dragons" run out of steam

    ... when these countries went over to industries geared towards export, it was the USA which directed and organised this change-over by ...

    International Review - 2006-12-13 21:55

  8. Max Raphael and a Marxist perspective on art (Part 2)

    ... further contradicted by many later discoveries since his book was written in 1945. Raphael wrote seventy years ago: “... the dogma ... Cosquer, Costlllo and many others, made decades after his book, confirm and strengthen the analyses of Max Raphael and, looking at them, ...

    ICConline - 2016-12-18 14:07

  9. World economic crisis: After the East, the West

    ... huge trade deficits, Japan and Germany have broken all the export records. In contrast to the post­war reconstruction period, today ...

    International Review - 2010-11-28 03:52

  10. You can’t have a green capitalism

    ... that is destroying the planet 170 years ago, in his book The Condition of the Working Class in England , Friedrich Engels was ...

    ICConline - 2019-05-27 13:20
