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  1. Revolutionary Debate in Berlin on the Causes of Imperialist War

    ... society which have become too narrow for it. In his book Anti-Dühring Friedrich Engels affirms that the central contradiction in ...

    World Revolution - 2022-11-06 14:29

  2. Marxism and ethics (part 1)

    ... heart its responsibility towards society as a whole. In his book about the working class in England , Engels recalls how in France ...

    International Review - 2022-11-07 11:24

  3. Revolts in Argentina

    ... has certainly achieved an exploit worthy of the Guinness Book of Records, with the overthrow of five presidents in fifteen days. But all ...

    International Review - 2022-11-03 21:08

  4. World economic crisis: BRICS don’t float

    ... a central bank unable to boost the economy because it can't print money at will. But these arguments don’t stand up to much scrutiny. The ...

    ICConline - 2012-08-08 19:57

  5. Leaflet from the EKS: The agenda of the Turkish bourgeoisie is war, terror, chaos and barbarism

    ... responded by issuing the internationalist statement that we print below. They have been distributing it as a leaflet along with their ... in a country where (as anyone who has read Orhan Pamuk's book Snow will know) political murder is a long-established tradition. They ...

    World Revolution - 2007-11-05 11:39

  6. Islamism: A symptom of the decomposition of capitalist social relations

    ... which preached tolerance towards other 'Peoples of the Book'). In all its forms, Islamism is in no way in contradiction with ...

    International Review - 2022-11-03 21:05

  7. Report on the situation in Germany

    ... brutally at the expense of its competi­tors, as its export surplus amply shows. Germany's competitive position has been ... would be a disaster for West Germany, as a leading export nation and having been, alongside Japan, the main indus­trial ... catastrophe for West Germany, since herein lies its main export market. It is therefore an in­correct formulation, often put forward in ...

    International Review - 2010-08-13 00:55

  8. Against the manufacturing of impotence, communism alone offers humanity a perspective

    ... Presented as “salutary”, this book makes an appeal to analyse the causes of the “new diseases” and to ... majority of the scientists who expressed themselves in this book are convinced not only that the collapse (of human life on Earth) is ...

    International Review - 2022-02-22 10:14

  9. G20 and world economic crisis: The state can’t save us!

    ... speculators getting out of control, to find (or just plain print) the funds needed to stimulate the economy, and to step in and ...

    World Revolution - 2009-04-05 17:40

  10. The economic crisis in Britain

    ... show.   Both of these are taken from the Blue Book for 2010, which sets out the national accounts. It made the following ... recently wrote, “ As in the 1930s, everyone is looking to export their way out of trouble, which everyone, by definition, cannot do. So ...

    International Review - 2019-04-28 21:23
