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  1. The Dutch left part 2 (1900/1914): Birth of a revolutionary current in Europe (1903/1907)

    ... in Western Europe ." These remarks by Kautsky in his book The Road to Power were to be taken up by the Dutch left against ...

    International Review - 2010-07-20 02:23

  2. Once more on decadence: What does it mean to say that capitalism is a historically transitory system?

    ... in Lenin, Conspectus of Hegel’s Science of Logic - Book II (Essence), 1914, ...

    ICConline - 2017-06-10 11:25

  3. Revolution and counter-revolution in Italy (1919-1922)

    ... displayed the hammer, the sickle, and the book. It was also firmly set on parliamentarism since in the middle of ... written by the Trostkyist, P. Broue, to Leonetti's book, Notes Sur Gramsci, EDI, Paris, 1974, p.7. 2 E. Malatesta, the ...

    International Review - 2008-06-21 16:02

  4. The 1937 "May Days" in Barcelona

    ... which may prove decisive. J. Rebull 1 Cf the book the ICC has brought out in Spanish: Espana 1936: Franco y la republica ...

    International Review - 2014-09-29 22:14

  5. Strikes in France: Behind the Unions, Struggle Leads to Defeat

    ... struggles. This is what Trotsky had to say about them in his book, 1905 : "What was the soviet of workers' deputies? The ...

    International Review - 2010-08-24 00:56

  6. 10 years of the ICC: Some Lessons

    ... of marx­ism to criticize certain of Marx's writings (in Book II of Capital ), just as she used the marx­ist approach in her ...

    International Review - 2010-07-16 09:22

  7. Editorial: Elections in the USA and the Ukraine

    ... With particular regard to this subject, see the book The New Pearl Harbour; Disturbing questions about the ...

    International Review - 2005-01-25 20:50

  8. ICC Day of Discussion on the Russian Revolution

    ... militant expressions of the revolution in Russia. Re: the book by Maurice Brinton ( The Bolsheviks and Workers’ Control , 1975), ...

    ICConline - 2017-12-10 10:05

  9. The Communist Left in Russia, 1918-1930, Part 1

    ... relations of production. Bukharin even wrote a book, The Economics of the Transition Period , explaining how economic ...

    International Review - 2008-10-09 11:48

  10. How not to understand the development of chaos and imperialist conflicts

    ... [4] The reader can refer to our book on the history of the Communist Left of Italy, and the balance-sheet drawn ...

    International Review - 2005-12-30 15:36
