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  1. What point has the economic crisis reached? Crisis and class struggle in the Eastern Bloc

    ... after the war, of the most competitive factories in order to export their machinery to Russia, the 180 degree reorientation eastwards of all ... survey of 196 supposedly "top-quality" products destined for export; 113 were unsaleable in the West, being below required quality ...

    International Review - 2010-07-23 02:28

  2. From monetary crisis to the war economy

    ... and robust currencies -- rests almost exclusively on massive export drives and systematic dumping. The US, meanwhile, has benefitted from a ... world market). The Russian bloc has now launched a massive export drive, a frantic quest for markets, on the outcome of which the ...

    International Review - 2010-11-27 04:24

  3. The Dutch and German Communist Left

    ... at the head of the Communist International, had, in his book State and Revolution, leaned heavily on the analyses of Anton ...

    International Review - 2021-06-20 18:10

  4. Anarcho-syndicalism faces a change in epoch: the CGT up to 1914

    ... the latter, some were frankly reformist (in particular the book-workers' union led by Auguste Keufer, who was to be the CGT's first ... to the status of sheep. This is even clearer in Pouget's book on the CGT: " were the democratic mechanism to be applied by the workers' ...

    International Review - 2021-06-29 12:40

  5. 160 years on: Marx and the Jewish question

    ... context. As Hal Draper explains in an appendix to his book Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution, Vol. I (Monthly Review Press, ... within the old feudal system.   Leon, in his book The Jewish Question, a Marxist Interpretation , bases his entire study ...

    International Review - 2021-07-06 10:49

  6. “Sixth Communiqué” of the EZLN - A false road for the proletariat

    ... Mexico during the 30's. In order to find out more, read our book The Italian Communist Left . Texts of the GTM were published in ...

    ICConline - 2021-07-07 12:26

  7. October 1917, beginning of the proletarian revolution (part 2)

    ... for most countries, more than one quarter is destined for export to foreign markets, and an equivalent proportion of the economy is ...

    International Review - 2021-07-01 23:42

  8. The study of Capital and the foundations of Communism

    ... economy and start publishing   his findings, but the book was still in many ways premature; it did not measure up to the scale of ... materialism, remains by far the most important part of the book.   [3] For example: in Grundrisse, ...

    International Review - 2021-07-07 12:23

  9. The Jury of Honour: a weapon for the defence of revolutionary organisations (Part 1)

    ... manoeuvre aimed at destabilising the Party. In his book ‘ What every revolutionary should know about repression ’, ...

    ICConline - 2021-07-01 23:50

  10. Growth as decay

    ... of all further possibilities of expansion. In 1913, in her book The Accumulation of Capital , Rosa Luxemburg pointed out that capital ...

    ICConline - 2021-07-02 19:01
