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  1. The world on the eve of an environmental catastrophe: Who is responsible?

    ... become too restrictive, it is not uncommon for businesses to export part of its production to countries where the rules are less severe and ... of the disasters caused by capitalism. In the preface to the book Drammi gialli e sinistri della moderna decadenza sociale, a collection ...

    International Review - 2021-08-19 15:46

  2. Erdogan's "New Turkey": a prime illustration of capitalism's senility

    ... [vi]  For more on political Islam in Turkey, see  ...

    ICConline - 2017-12-10 10:38

  3. On Patrick Tort’s The Darwin Effect

    ... The Descent of Man , published in 1871. Patrick Tort's book shows very clearly how Darwin's epigones grabbed hold of the theory of ... Property and the State , as well as August Bebel in his book Woman and Socialism ), it is the females (and by extension women) who ...

    ICConline - 2021-08-19 17:07

  4. 1914: how the bloodletting began

    ... in 1930, had an enormous success, to the point where the book was briefly banned by the authorities. In 1937, Jean Renoir's anti-war ... Introduction sets out his intentions quite openly: “ This book (...) is concerned less with why the war happened than with how it came ...

    International Review - 2022-01-07 16:48

  5. National Situation in the Philippines (adopted by Internasyonalismo, December 2008)

    ... of the major exports of the country, they are not its main export. Labour-power is its main export. In fact, aside from debt, the remittances of more than 9 million OFWs ...

    Internasyonalismo - 2009-04-25 16:36

  6. The hidden legacy of the left of capital (IV): Their morality and ours

    ... support for the theoretical errors made by Trotsky in his book Their morals and ours which otherwise contains valid reflections and ... lateness of social sciences as Pannekoek observed in his book Anthropogenesis: a study in the origins of man: "Natural sciences are ...

    ICConline - 2022-02-13 14:34

  7. War before civilisation

    ... literature of scientific vulgarisation), Lawrence Keeley’s book  War before civilization  has achieved a certain status as a work of ... of the term. For us, the main interest in Keeley’s book is twofold: [5]  first, in his analysis of the reasons for the ...

    World Revolution - 2022-01-07 21:12

  8. Economic crisis: the crisis reveals the historic bankruptcy of capitalist productive relations

    ... Europe will have more and more difficulty in maintaining its export surplus. It is hardly surprising that countries at the heart of Europe ... process through the exploitation of labour power. In Book III of Capital , Marx clearly states that interest is " The part of ...

    International Review - 2021-06-28 15:48

  9. Profit rates and capitalist decadence - reply to the CWO

    ... Furthermore, in the Preface to the 1886 English edition of Book 1 of Capital , when Engels is summarising Marx's conception, he does ... 1910 and 1914 and only picked up in 1915 thanks to the export of military equipment to Europe. Not only did the American economy lose ...

    International Review - 2021-07-16 10:39

  10. World economy heading towards perfect storm

    ... dollar has undermined the attempts of European businesses to export to the US. China is one country that relies enormously on the US market - its biggest export outlet - but the US economy is founded on debt, and therefore the ...

    World Revolution - 2021-06-04 23:15
