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  1. New ICC publications for the month for February / 2016

    ... On the book “And if time didn’t exist?” by Carlo Rovelli: thought in movement ... “And if time didn’t exist?”  is the title of the book  by physicist Carlo Rovelli  posing a question which could seem ...

    webmaster - 2016-02-25 05:00

  2. Understanding October 1917 and the factory committees

    ... ‘libertarian’ attacks on the Bolsheviks: Solidarity’s book The Bol­sheviks and Workers’ Control . The comrade, in an initial ... because behind it is the central theme of Solidarity’s book: “Workers’ management of production - implying as it does time ...

    World Revolution - 2022-05-22 18:08

  3. Uvalde shootings: a new illustration of the barbaric agony of capitalism

    ... have never hesitated to release billions of dollars for the export of arms or to arm to the teeth the forces of repression - had plenty of ...

    ICConline - 2022-06-02 11:41

  4. Theories of crisis, from Marx to the Communist International

    ... only theory of crisis. According to Paul Mattick, in his book Crise et Theories des crise , Marx’s references to the problems of ... this “finance capital”, of a financial oligarchy; 3) the export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires ...

    International Review - 2021-06-04 23:49

  5. Part 9: The workers’ movement in Britain and the Second International

    ... particularly sharp. When an Austrian socialist wrote a book about British Socialism, Justice described it as the first “ honest ...

    ICConline - 2022-06-17 14:36

  6. Part 7: The Labour Representation Committee and the strengthening of opportunism

    ... hostile to revolutionary socialism and in 1902 wrote a book defending ‘evolutionary’ socialism (subsequently he edited the ...

    ICConline - 2022-06-15 08:44

  7. The Indian boom: Illusion and reality

    ... to 2006/2007 estimates in the CIA World Fact Book . This is almost equal to the rate of growth of the Chinese economy. ... started developing there was no significant outlet for the export of services, and so the countries of that part of the world had to put ...

    Communist Inter... - 2008-11-02 13:25

  8. Part 5: The Independent Labour Party and the pressure of reformism

    ... as Robert Blatchford, the editor of the Clarion , whose book Merrie England , published in 1894, sold three-quarters of a million ...

    ICConline - 2022-06-14 17:12

  9. Trotskyism: beating the drums of imperialist war

    ... With leftism, you always have to read the small print! (Spartacist 4 Supplement, 27.2.22) [2] With his ...

    ICConline - 2022-04-14 11:39

  10. Rising unemployment exposes talk of ‘recovery’

    ... in the same article it quotes another expert: "Japan can export its expertise, but it cannot make things cheaper than hungry developing ...

    World Revolution - 2009-09-07 10:44
