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  1. May 68 and the revolutionary perspective, Part 2: End of the counter-revolution and the historic return of the world proletatiat

    ... Faced with all the lies about the events of May ‘68, it is necessary for revolutionaries to re-establish the truth, to ... du Travail. This main union was at first of Christian origins but at the beginning of the ‘60s, it rejected references to ...

    International Review - 2008-08-25 20:35

  2. Democratise capitalism or destroy it?

    ... The slogan ‘democratise capitalism’ appeared on the side of the Tent City University at the St Paul’s occupation, provoking sharp ... That was a moment of unprecedented hope for humanity. The fact that it was defeated should not deter us: we have to learn ...

    World Revolution - 2012-01-30 22:16

  3. Against the ‘medicine’ of austerity: The class struggle!

    ... in two versions: one for Britain and one for the rest of the world In Greece, there is immense anger and the social ... is capable of building this new society and reconciling humanity with itself by taking what Marx called "the leap from the realm of ...

    ICC - 2010-06-12 12:10

  4. Ivory Coast: French imperialism defends its interests

    ... which limited his government's authority to the south of the country, bombarded rebel-controlled towns in the north. The French ... war. This is what capitalism has in store for the whole of humanity if its criminal rule is allowed to continue. W, 14/11/04. ...

    World Revolution - 2005-01-06 20:09

  5. Proletarian politics against bourgeois electoralism

    ... And the ruling class is a bit worried that a growing number of people aren’t that interested. That’s why, along with the usual ... it continues, the more it threatens the very survival of humanity. In a world facing economic crisis, war and barbarism from all sides, ...

    ICConline - 2015-03-11 17:51

  6. Middle East: The threat of generalised war

    2396 reads The daily reality of life in Iraq gives the lie to all the claims by the US and British governments that Iraq is not in a state of civil war and that the situation there is gradually getting better. Since ... of class solidarity in these struggles is a beacon for humanity against the darkness of fratricide and self-destruction. The new ...

    World Revolution - 2006-04-02 10:00

  7. The Economic Crisis: The Only Response is the Class Struggle

    ... relevant for the working class, which is bearing the impact of the crisis. The ugly consequences of the ongoing economic collapse are there ... revolution that will leave behind the ‘prehistory' of humanity by overcoming the exploitation of man by man, the divisions of society ...

    Internationalism USA - 2009-04-10 09:55

  8. ‘Health Care Reform’ Capitalism’s New Deception

    ... who are supposedly closer than ever to the promised land of guaranteed medical services. It has been a remarkable turn of events for a ... capitalism's attacks. Against capitalism's drive to destroy humanity workers need to oppose their own revolutionary perspective.  ...

    Internationalism USA - 2010-04-18 10:43

  9. The capitalist crisis in the Eastern Bloc

    ... here is the report pre­sented to the Fourth Congress of Revolution Internationale. The aim of the report isn’t to bring us up to ... the other side of which is the growing impoverishment of humanity and waste of the productive forces. ...

    International Review - 2009-01-03 21:03

  10. War on terrorism: more wars, more terror

    3451 reads A war against weapons of mass destruction? It's becoming increasingly clear that they are not going ... destruction. That is the future that capitalism offers humanity, unless its headlong flight towards the abyss is turned aside by the ...

    World Revolution - 2004-12-30 19:11
