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  1. Imperialist bloodletting worsens in Middle East

    ... it’s claimed that Iran could easily shut the Strait, the economic effects of a blockade would be likely to hurt Iran more than anyone ...

    World Revolution - 2012-01-30 21:52

  2. Kashmir: Not quakes but badly designed and constructed buildings kill people

    ... or moderate, blame each other for the increasing socio- economic and political problems, but carefully hide the truth: that the ...

    Communist Inter... - 2005-11-14 19:31

  3. The drama in Toulouse and Montauban: Symptoms of capitalism’s barbaric demise

    ... right at the centre of a crucially important region from the economic or strategic point of view, the state of Israel and its policies can ...

    World Revolution - 2012-04-02 20:52

  4. Class Struggle in India: Report to the ICC Pan Asian Conference

    ... death question to all sectors of the bourgeoisie. The economic policies of the bourgeoisie have led to rising inflation. As per ...

    Communist Inter... - 2010-04-04 14:52

  5. Middle East: For massive struggle against the dictatorship of capital

    ... countries of the Arab world, populations are rebelling, the economic crisis is raging. But the movements are not all the same and their ...

    World Revolution - 2011-05-05 23:16

  6. Gaza blockade: From Israel to Turkey all states are warmongers

    ... the occupied territories [2] . What's more, at the economic and even at the military level, Israel is now taking on the role of ...

    ICConline - 2010-07-13 19:17

  7. Election 2006: Ruling Class Seeks to Adjust Ruling Team

    ... hospital, and agriculture industry poses potential economic disaster, as the shortage of immigrant workers to pick this summer’s ...

    Internationalism USA - 2006-11-01 10:48

  8. Paris killings: an excuse for increased militarisation

    ... is far from giving up its arms. In a situation where the economic crisis can only continue to get worse and living conditions are ...

    ICConline - 2015-03-11 17:54

  9. Honduras: the proletariat cannot take sides in this fight between bandits

    ... with whom it already has a fragile relationship. Brazil, has economic interests in Central America (investment in plantations for the ... [1]     This is a for the "socio-economic development" of South Mexico and 7 Central America countries in order ...

    ICConline - 2009-08-14 13:27

  10. Kondopoga: Down with pogroms, weapons of the state to divide the working class!

    ... for the unbearable situation created by the capitalist economic crisis, is completely alien to the proletariat. This ambiguity on the ...

    ICConline - 2007-03-07 12:27
