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  1. Canadian Elections: The Electoral Circus Northern Style

    ... the logic rooted in the very nature of the global capitalist economic crisis itself that forces the bourgeoisie to progressively attack ...

    Internationalism USA - 2006-04-24 21:33

  2. Pakistan terrorised by Taliban, military and US

    ... differs from the first two only in its greater military and economic power, and has been willing to spread chaos and death on a much larger ...

    World Revolution - 2009-11-04 16:38

  3. The tragedy in Valencia

    ... one that capital can have in order to try and maintain its economic machine afloat, faced with the increasing storms of the global crisis. ...

    ICConline - 2006-08-13 17:14

  4. Students in France and Spain: Struggles that hold a promise for the future

    ... period to come as they digest the shocking reality of the economic situation that at present makes them hesitate. The students' ...

    World Revolution - 2009-06-08 19:47

  5. West Virginia Mine Disaster: The State is Also to Blame

    ... in the form of lost lives, lost jobs, shattered families and economic ruin? Who are our friends and enemies? Where can we turn for ...

    Internationalism USA - 2010-07-04 18:21

  6. Labour disarray: A capitalist party arranges its succession

    ... of the ruling class’ increasing loss of control over its economic apparatus, the infrastructure of society. The historic dead-end in ... and an attitude of ‘every man for himself’ ” ( IR 62). The British bourgeoisie is the oldest in the world and is noted ...

    World Revolution - 2006-10-03 20:57

  7. World Revolution and Communist Tactics (1920) by Anton Pannekoek

    ... the development of lucid class-consciousness; and when the economic situation temporarily favours counter-revolution, this policy will ...

    World Revolution - 2005-05-24 17:23

  8. ‘Real Democracy Now!’: A dictatorship against the mass assemblies

    ... and commissions... All the placards with any political, economic or simply social content have been removed from the square. Now it is ...

    ICConline - 2011-06-17 09:41

  9. Review: 'An Inconvenient Truth' - the capitalist system can't halt the course of environmental destruction

    ... those of competition and the market and with the permanent economic crisis and imperialist wars, there can be no accommodation reached for ...

    ICConline - 2007-01-18 22:38

  10. The Communist Left of France, 1944

    ... the cause of the European proletariat after four years of economic centralisation and concentration. The most dangerous enemies of the ...

    International Review - 2005-08-05 04:47
