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  1. War without end in the Middle East: capitalism is the real culprit

    ... and creates a further risk for an already unstable world economic situation: that of an explosion in oil prices, already standing (as ...

    International Review - 2004-12-13 21:04

  2. Visteon: Solidarity is the only way for workers to defend themselves

    ... car production in Britain down by more than 50% due to the economic crisis this hardly seems likely. But workers' solidarity does work. ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:42

  3. Strike by airport workers in India - Leftists sabotage workers' militancy

    ... and the danger it poses for Indian bourgeoisie and its great economic and imperialist dreams. The state therefore made particular efforts to ...

    Communist Inter... - 2006-03-18 10:51

  4. After Beslan: Why Britain supports Russia's state terror in Chechnya

    ... reflects the overall perspective of the world situation: economic crisis, famine, wars and barbarism. The continuation of all of the ...

    World Revolution - 2004-12-24 02:05

  5. Euro elections: nationalism of Left and Right

    ... local workers can be trained to perform is an environmental, economic and social nonsense" . What they are really demanding is the right of ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:38

  6. US bloc on the attack

    ... this pressure, Russia is in a position of weakness -- on the economic, military and pol­itical levels. Unable to really support its allies ...

    International Review - 2010-07-12 11:17

  7. Murder boosts Sweden's democratic campaign

    ... particularly inside the SAP, has its roots in changes at the economic and imperialist level. The bourgeoisie had a huge shock in the ...

    World Revolution - 2005-02-11 21:26

  8. Iraq: A reverse for the United States

    ... Saddam's terrible yoke, but also from the effects of the economic embargo which ensures that a child dies every six minutes (see Le ...

    International Review - 2010-09-21 10:57

  9. ICC meeting at ‘1968 and all that’: The perspective opened 40 years ago has not gone away

    ... efforts in 1917-23. By 1968 the first signs of the economic crisis, supposedly banished from capitalism for ever, was met by the ...

    World Revolution - 2008-06-13 11:40

  10. Ukraine: Workers must not march behind bourgeois gangs

    ... 1993, directing monetary policy and having a major role in economic policy until 1999 when President Kuchma made him Prime Minister. ...

    World Revolution - 2005-02-10 20:07
