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  1. The ‘winter of discontent’: Lessons of the wave of class struggle in Britain 1978/9

    ... the capitalist crisis was here to stay: the bourgeoisie's economic ‘solutions' had been exposed as worthless and growing numbers of ...

    World Revolution - 2008-12-09 21:34

  2. Fidel Castro dies: The problem is not the rider but the horse

    ... others submit and has to supply itself with the military, economic, political, ideological and cultural means that would permit it to ...

    ICConline - 2016-11-28 12:07

  3. International correspondence: Workers' struggles and workers' politics develop in Mexico

    ... the ACC - with whom we have been in close contact (see IR 40 and 44) - became a political group in the full sense, regularly ... The strike also took place in the midst of the most acute economic crisis for the federal district and the four surrounding departments. ...

    International Review - 2013-07-08 21:38

  4. The NSA scandal

    ... their rule is fragile, undermined by its own social and economic contradictions, and they live in constant terror of the danger of ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-15 20:11

  5. War in Lebanon and Iraq: There is an alternative to capitalist barbarism (Editorial)

    ... for Hezbollah. China, taking advantage of its growing economic influence, dreams of gaining new zones of influence outside South East Asia. In particular it is trying to woo Iran, a privileged economic partner from whom it buys oil at a particularly advantageous price. ...

    International Review - 2006-11-16 00:21

  6. France: ICC intervention in the pensions struggle

    ... been saying since 1968: despite the suffering it brings, the economic crisis remains the best ally of the proletariat. The ICC's ...

    World Revolution - 2005-03-31 16:48

  7. The rise of the Young Turks and the attitude of the Socialists

    ... of the repressive Abdulhamit regime, hard and miserable economic conditions, and the problems of agricultural production, as well as ... and private enterprises to pay workers their wages due to economic difficulties. The interesting yet nevertheless unsurprising aspect of ...

    International Review - 2013-02-09 22:59

  8. Russian internationalists against the war in Chechnya

    3059 reads In WR 231 and IR 100 we published a sticker distributed in Moscow by a group of ... elsewhere in the CIS. The Russian bourgeoisie has economic and political interests in the war: - to control the oil ...

    World Revolution - 2005-02-11 20:25

  9. China 1927: Last gasp of the world revolution

    ... l850s were a classic expression of imperialism’s military-economic subjugation of the pre-capitalist regions of the world, which was so ... revolution to the Russian state’s search for alliances and economic aid in the outside world. As Rosa Luxemburg said, imperialism is the ...

    ICConline - 2017-08-05 09:55

  10. Youth murders: product of a society without hope

    ... would improve the situation. But, as it happens, the economic situation in which most of us find ourselves is not ...

    World Revolution - 2008-02-04 11:12
