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  1. German Revolution, xi: The March Action of 1921: the danger of petty-bourgeois impatience

    ... should wage common actions to impose the most urgent economic demands of the working class". This appeal, which was addressed most ... In the introductory report to the discussion on 'The world economic crisis and the new tasks of the Communist International', Trotsky ...

    International Review - 2010-09-21 10:54

  2. Occupy London, a space for discussion

    ... system and that it’s possible to tackle the biggest economic crisis in its history. Among some of our experiences:  ...

    World Revolution - 2011-12-12 20:46

  3. Gulf War 1991: the terror of the ‘New World Order’

    ... of civilians was itself a development of imperialism in decadence, and well before the terror bombing of Germany during World War II, ...

    World Revolution - 2007-09-09 12:34

  4. Movement against CPE: a rich experience for future struggles

    ... in store for us. Only this process of collective action and debate can enable the new generation to return tomorrow, stronger and more ...

    World Revolution - 2006-05-10 08:42

  5. 1848: The Communist Manifesto is an indispensable compass for the future of humanity

    ... it, on the same page, there is one article on the terrible economic crisis in Asia, and another on the new German official post-war ... against man for survival under the rule of scarcity) is the economic and military struggle for survival between bourgeois nation states. ...

    International Review - 2010-09-21 10:03

  6. Turkey: The cure for state terror isn't democracy

    ... of society most affected by the impact of the international economic crisis in Turkey. The emergence of the movement On May 28th, ... mass assemblies and alike and the weakness of a culture of debate in Turkey were undoubtedly influential in this weakness. On the other ...

    ICConline - 2013-06-25 19:40

  7. Attack on Gaza strip: All states, big or small, are imperialist

    ... states worldwide. Every capitalist state is not just in economic competition with every other but needs to ensure that it has the ... Germany, France or Britain. At present, for all its economic and military strength, the position of US imperialism is weakening. ...

    World Revolution - 2006-07-04 11:32

  8. Maoism: a monstrous offspring of decadent capitalism

    ... absolute opposite - the organisations born of capitalism’s decadence and the bourgeois counter-revolution. One thing is certain. Mao ...

    International Review - 2006-06-27 21:39

  9. Somalia: social collapse and imperialist war

    ... with the superior US. The US bloc was not immune to this economic pressure, however, and Somalia had been pushed to the brink of social ...

    World Revolution - 2006-09-05 20:49

  10. Blair, Brown, New Labour, Old Labour: all stand for austerity and war

    ... The government of the capitalist class is not only in economic competition with every other state, it is also compelled to defend its ... alternative is the class struggle In addition to the economic crisis and imperialist conflict the capitalist state is aware of the ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 15:26
