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  1. Israeli withdrawal from Gaza: A military ploy, not a step towards peace

    ... The Israeli state has paid a very high price, in both economic and military terms, for maintaining its presence in this tiny ...

    World Revolution - 2005-09-05 10:15

  2. 1 - The Dutch councilists and the war

    ... War I, it concluded: “... it is world capitalism, as an economic system, which is responsible for this war, and not any particular ...

    ICC - 2005-08-15 20:24

  3. May Day 2000: The only alternative to capitalism is communism

    ... of local conflicts. Famine and disease stalk the globe. Economic crises lay waste to whole regions ly waste to whole regions ...

    World Revolution - 2005-02-11 21:39

  4. 30 years on from the 1978 lorry drivers’ strike: the same class struggle, the same attacks by the ruling class

    ... Clearly today is not the same as 30 years ago: then the economic crisis had only been developing for 10 years; now it has been ravaging ...

    ICConline - 2013-07-07 17:42

  5. Statement on the War in Iraq and the Crisis of American Imperialism

    ... invasion, had been so weakened by ten years of US-imposed economic sanctions, that the occupying authority has been compelled to import ... Eastern oil supplies, and to block European diplomatic and economic inroads in the region, especially by French, German and Russian ...

    Internationalism USA - 2013-07-07 15:04

  6. The Working Class in the US Returns to the Path of the Class Struggle

    ... the U.S. have been pushed by the seriousness of the global economic crisis and consequent escalation of attacks by the ruling class on ...

    Internationalism USA - 2013-07-07 17:48

  7. Resolution on the Process of Regroupment

    ... has developed, with all its regional, national, cultural and economic variations. Although the system itself tends to overturn this ...

    International Review - 2006-02-02 20:26

  8. Violence in China: Workers must fight for their own interests

    ... and divisions and this is further exacerbated by the economic crisis and the way it has hit China. While these events in Xinjiang ... workers' if you like). Within the framework of the deepening economic crisis the state has been forced to encourage this, legislating ...

    ICConline - 2009-07-22 18:49

  9. Revolutionaries in Britain and the struggle against imperialist war, Part 3: the Second World War

    ... in the middle of the war Solidarity carried an important debate on the relationship between party and class, with contributions from ...

    World Revolution - 2014-06-08 09:06

  10. Preliminary notes towards an account of the “Movement of popular assemblies” (TPTG, Greece)

    ... speakers has been centred on an alternative political and economic management of capitalist relations and the crisis. For example, the ... content of this struggle remains vague . The public debate on the nature of the debt is a thorny question since it could lead to a ...

    ICConline - 2011-07-25 21:03
