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  1. Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: A New Step in Capitalism’s Devastation of the Planet

    ... and buys oil at a cheap price as the oil companies shift the economic burden onto the backs of their workers by cutting costs and more and ... mud-slinging match. BP is so confident in the force of its economic stature that it even pleaded to surpass federal government standard ...

    Internationalism USA - 2013-07-08 21:41

  2. Our reply on the Bali Bombing

    ... on this planet. The severe crisis of the capitalists' economic system (fundamentally a crisis of capitalist over-production) compels ... in order to survive (though this is not just a matter of "economic" necessity, and usually has more to do with national strategic ...

    World Revolution - 2005-04-28 19:41

  3. The bankruptcy of councilism

    ... In this text, Canne-Mejer sees the working class as a mere economic category in society. He deals with the tasks of the proletariat only ... mode of production. Neither capitalism's entry into decadence nor the over­all conditions and future of the class are dealt with, ...

    International Review - 2010-07-15 02:01

  4. The state arms itself against future class battles

    ... The capitalist class has no real answer to the deepening economic crisis, advancing social decay and mounting imperialist tensions. ... openly repressive measures are taken against the developing economic and political struggle of the working class. The excuse of ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 18:10


    ... whole process of learning how to organise itself to win economic and political reforms through trade unionism and parliamentarism. ... allow its struggles to be restricted to a purely economic, local, or sectional terrain and instead organise itself in ...

    ICC - 2005-09-08 22:37

  6. Expenses scandal: cynicism is not enough

    ... and indignant about the whole affair. In a time of deep economic crisis, where jobs, wage levels and pensions are directly under ... the state dresses itself in there will still be the same economic crisis and the same attack on working class living standards. ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:38

  7. Days of Discussion II: Lessons of the Russian Revolution

    ... workers' councils. To conceive of these bodies as organs of economic management weakens them, and diverts them away from the question of ... First, it ignores entirely the question of capitalist decadence, assuming there could be a bourgeois revolution in a world already ...

    Internationalism USA - 2010-01-30 15:00

  8. Election of Haider in Austria: The bourgeoisie makes use of the 'fascist' bugbear

    ... very real needs of German capital. Faced with a violent economic crisis, it was vital for the German bourgeoisie to organise the ... Before the last election all the parties were promising economic growth and an increase in public spending. In fact, even before ...

    World Revolution - 2005-03-31 16:57

  9. Capitalism in decay: the Far East becomes a battlefield of world wide imperialist rivalries

    ... by China, Japan and Russia; since the onset of capitalist decadence, as we shall see when looking at the history of the 20th century, ...

    International Review - 2012-11-11 17:20

  10. The electoral circus without end

    ... 1888, indeed for the first time in epoch of capitalist decadence, the results in the popular vote were contradicted by the results in ...

    Internationalism USA - 2005-02-11 18:23
