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  1. Theses on the situation in Spain

    ... about as a result of the effects of the world economic crisis. The prodigal son of European capitalism, ... European countries which are also feeling the effects of the economic crisis, and the fall-off in tourism, have contributed in a very concrete way to the aggravation of the economic situation in Spain. Having paid for the boom in ...

    International Review - 2008-07-07 12:41

  2. Korea: From its liberation as a colony to plunging into war and division

    ... Both sides were ready to throw in all their military and economic weight. Stalin, Mao, Chiang and Truman had all formed one front ... same way as the Soviet Union was unable to survive through economic competitiveness on the world market but only through military means ...

    International Review - 2012-11-11 17:53

  3. Communist Organisation: The Struggle of Marxism against Political Adventurism

    ... ultra-revolutionary virtues" (...)   "4. The economic and political struggle of the workers for their emancipation is ...

    International Review - 2010-09-19 10:50

  4. China: the intensification of workers' struggles

    ... to the slaughter. It was upon this basis that the “Chinese Economic Miracle” was founded. But this enforced acquiescence did not last ... Recent and ongoing:  Class struggle Economic Crisis Rubric:  China ...

    ICConline - 2013-07-07 17:52


    ... exploitation, of making it more effective. On the economic level, Russia , even during the short time that the proletariat ... so quickly in a highly developed form, it was because the economic disorganisation which resulted from Russia’s defeat in World War ...

    ICC - 2007-02-05 10:07

  6. Perspective of Communism, part 3: Why the proletariat is a communist class

    ... rule, the mere fact that a whole society has entered into decadence in no way means that it contains within itself the basis for a ...

    World Revolution - 2005-12-05 21:00

  7. New strike wave in Egypt

    ... Al-Masry Al-Youm (15/9/11) headlined with “Unfulfilled economic and political demands keep Egypt’s labourers furious” and wrote ... with workers feeling more and more that improving their economic and political conditions were but hollow promises from the ...

    World Revolution - 2011-10-03 21:17

  8. Understanding Kronstadt

    ... future. If the Kronstadt soviet had restricted itself to economic and social tasks (co-ordination, organi­sation, administration) ... looked much less likely than it had in 1919. The world economic situation had stabilised relatively and the pivotal Spartacist ...

    International Review - 2006-10-17 21:27

  9. 1944 commemorations: 50 years of Imperialist Lies, Part 2

    ... the strikes and demonstrations remained restricted to the economic level against food rationing and supplies going for military needs. In ... it could to prevent them radicalising, often by making minor economic concessions and always by using the unions which in their various ...

    International Review - 2005-08-05 16:26

  10. Weinstein, Trump … Feminism or class struggle?

    ... of private property gave rise to the family, the initial economic cell of class society. The man was now in charge and the woman was ... relations (as though female workers have the same social or economic interests as bourgeois women), it also encourages the illusion that ...

    ICConline - 2018-09-08 10:56
