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  1. Bilan & the Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine

    ... Arabs - without taking into account the eventual increase of unemployment among the Arabs. The Palestinian workers' movement hastened ...

    International Review - 2024-06-01 21:14

  2. USA: the struggle of the workers’ movement against slavery and racism (Part 3)

    ... of insurrection and street fighting” , James wrote inter alia that “Within the United States the socialist ...

    ICConline - 2024-05-22 06:00

  3. Gaizka: Should an adventurer be publicly exposed?

    ... the existing economic crisis and bringing with it mass unemployment, destitution and premature death to the working class on a scale ...

    International Review - 2024-05-22 06:00

  4. Report on the class struggle : Formation, loss and re-conquest of proletarian class identity

    ... growth of computers and robots under capitalism generates unemployment on the one hand, overwork on the other, but their possible use in ... also shows the danger of the class further losing itself in inter-classist movements dominated by the ideology of populism and nationalism. ...

    International Review - 2024-05-10 06:00

  5. Terrorist massacre in Russia: capitalism sinks ever deeper into chaos!

    ... on Israel on October 7, a new round of barbarism has led to 150 being shot dead and 300 wounded, some with knives, by an Islamic State (IS) ... he is launching a spring conscription campaign, to draft 150,000 people for compulsory military service: in short, a campaign to ...

    ICConline - 2024-04-12 13:23

  6. The ‘9/11 Truth’ Movement and the Machiavellianism of the Bourgeoisie

    ... Internationalism #130. [9] “Fourth ... Internationalism #136. [10] As this ...

    ICConline - 2024-01-28 11:14

  7. Nationalism and democracy are dangerous for class struggle

    ... Bihac, Sarajevo and elsewhere in the region, where the unemployment rate goes up to anything around 75% and where wages and conditions ... and that there was a certain solidarity expressed across the inter-ethnic lines imposed by Dayton, a number of intellectuals and academics, ...

    World Revolution - 2024-04-20 06:00

  8. The working class has finally recovered from the defeat

    ... of miners being effectively laid off, doomed to years of unemployment. The fact that it remained isolated does not mean that the ...

    ICConline - 2024-04-11 11:25

  9. Recent Supreme Court Rulings on “Obamacare” and the Arizona Anti-Immigration Law: A Momentary Respite in a Downward Spiral

    ... economy that many now acknowledge will be marked by high unemployment, low consumer demand and continued financial turbulence ...

    ICConline - 2024-04-10 06:00

  10. The South Korean ruling class tears aside the veil of its “democracy”

    ... tendency of overproduction resulting in famine, poverty and unemployment was not because of a lack of commodities but because there were ... depression of 1929 at the cost of 20 million lives and an unemployment rate of 20% – 30%, which again paved the way for the so called ...

    ICConline - 2024-03-31 18:26
