New York

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Meeting details


TRS Suites, 11th. Floor, 44vEast 32nd. Street, NYC, NY 10016

Take the #4 or #6 train to West 33rd. Street


Saturday, 29 October, 2011 - 12:00 to 15:00

Meeting type: 

Public Forum


Capitalism in meltdown: is there a working class response?


This forum will focus on some of the most important developments in the world situation in the last few months:

- the deepening of the ‘debt crisis’, now hitting not only weaker countries like Greece but the world’s most powerful economy, the USA

- the explosion of social protests across North Africa, Spain, Greece, and most recently Israel

- the war in Libya

- the riots in Britain.

We will try to show that all these events have a common root: the historic dead-end reached by capitalism. We will try to discuss both the dangers and the potential in the situation, focusing on questions such as:

- does capitalism have any way out of the current crisis, or is it actually reaching the terminal stages of its decline?

- What is the class nature of the revolts, demonstrations and assemblies we have seen in the recent period?

- How did the protests in Libya get diverted into an imperialist war?

- Do the riots in Britain contain the potential for a movement against capitalism?

Short presentation followed by open discussion. All welcome