Submitted by World Revolution on

"The WSM believes that a natural resources campaign, if broad based, could be a positive step forward in the long-term project of building a radical social movement and indeed in the short-term as it will supplement Shell to Sea.
The WSM endorses the idea of a campaign if it incorporates the following points
a) The Natural Resources of Ireland (oil, gas, wind/wave power, water) should not be owned or controlled by business interests.
b) These resources should be used for the benefit of all of the people in Ireland.
c) These resources must be used in a sustainable way, so that future generations and the environment of Ireland are not put at risk.
d) The acceptance of direct action as a legitimate tactic.
e) The campaign is organised on a democratic and delegate basis.
f) The campaign is not set up as a rival or competitor to Shell to Sea.
g) Within its first year it is capable of being more than a small publicity campaign."
‘Perspectives of the WSM' updated November 2007:
There could hardly be a more evident expression of ‘anarcho-Trotskyism' - anarchism as a thin disguise for the politics of the capitalist left. Amos 5/7/8