New ICC publications for the month: May 2019

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New publications this month

Articles published this month

ICC International online public meeting

The global implications of the US elections

16 November 2024, 2pm-5pm UK time

The main language of the meeting will be English, but we will have facilities to translate on the spot into other languages as well. If you want to take part, write to us at [email protected], indicating if you are happy following and contributing in English, or specifying what other language you would need to use.

Reader's letter

On the call for the Communist Left to make a joint appeal against the democratic campaign

We are publishing a response from a close sympathiser to our call for an appeal by the groups of the Communist Left in response to the massive international democratic campaign of the bourgeoisie. We fully support its approach and conclusions.

International class struggle

In Argentina, as elsewhere, workers must learn the lessons of their past struggles in order to prepare for those of the future.

In Argentina, the government of populist president Milei is launching brutal attacks on workers' living standards, but the right wing of the bourgeoisie is by no means the only enemy of the working class

Defence of the Communist Left

The death of Michel Olivier: An indecent opportunity for a new anti-ICC campaign

A response to the some very serious accusations against the ICC in a recent article by the Internationalist Communist Tendency.

Letter and proposed appeal

For an Appeal of the Communist Left to the working class against the international campaign to mobilise for bourgeois democracy

The ICC calls on the groups of the Communist Left to issue a common statement against the current ideological campaigns that call on us to choose between the right and left wings of the capitalist political spectrum.

Readers’ contribution

A discussion on the necessity and possibility of communism

Following an online ICC discussion meeting on the question of communism, two close sympathisers combined forces to produce this account of the meeting, which we think clearly draws out its principal themes and conclusions.

Come and discuss

ICC Open Meeting, 5 October, London


Saturday 5 October, 2pm

Calthorpe Arms, 252 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X 8JR

A discussion meeting without a set theme but which can take up any aspects of revolutionary politics. Comrades are welcome to suggest topics for discussion in advance: write to [email protected]

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