Submitted by ICC on

ICC to IBRP: 21st November 2004
Four days ago we sent you a letter asking you:
1) "to publish immediately (that is, on receipt of this letter) on your internet site the Declaration of the NCI of 27th October which can be found on our own site in all relevant languages;
2) to inform us (even if only briefly) of your position on the accusation quoted above in Bulletin no 28 of the IFICC (given that your links with the IFICC still "exist and endure")."
Up to now there has been no reaction whatsoever from you (on your site or to our e-mail address) in relation to these two demands.
We realise that you need a certain amount of time to draft (or even to elaborate) a position statement that expresses your point of view on the revolting slanders bandied about by the IFICC against the ICC. On the other hand, as regards the first point, you are able to respond within a few hours, even a few minutes. For this reason we inform you that we are publishing the letter that we sent you on 17th November on our internet site as well as an article replying to your text "Reply to the stupid accusations of an organisation in the process of disintegration", published in several languages on your internet site, an article which obviously takes into account the fact that you continue to support the slanderous compaigns launched against our organisation by the "Circulo" and by the IFICC.
However we continue to ask for a reply to the two points made in our letter of 17th November. Specifically in relation to the second demand we think that, however long it may take you, it is your responsibility to carry out this task. It certainly isn't "diplomatic silence" or secret diplomacy that distinguishes revolutionaries; on the contrary, it is clear speaking and courage in expressing what they think.
Communist greetings.