The historic significance of the break between the US and Europe

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International Online Public Meeting

Saturday 5 April 2025, 2pm to 5pm, UK time

The historic significance of the break between the US and Europe

The acceleration of events since the advent of Trump 2.0 in the US continues.

  • We are witnessing the last stages of the break-up of the ‘world order’ inaugurated by the imperialist war of 1939-45. When the Russian imperialist bloc collapsed at the beginning of the 1990s, the ICC predicted that the western bloc would also unravel. This process was immediately signalled by the conflicts between the US and its former allies over the war in ex-Yugoslavia and confirmed by deep divisions over the invasion of Iraq in 2003. But now the divorce between the US and the European powers has become definitive.
  • This is not leading us towards a world of peace and reconciliation. Far from it. Capitalism’s drive to war is intensifying, but it is taking a chaotic form which is all the more dangerous because of the absence of any bloc discipline. Humanity’s very future is threatened by a whirlwind of imperialist war, ecological destruction and social disintegration.
  • The growth of militarism can only mean further attacks on the living standards of the working class, already under the lash of decades of economic crisis. The politicians, especially in western Europe, are quite open about this and have decided to implement gigantic armaments programmes: it’s “guns or butter” all over again.

This is why the ICC is holding a third international online public meeting focused on the current world situation. It is essential that all those who understand the necessity to rid the world of a decaying capitalist system recognise exactly what the working class is up against. We thus encourage all those engaged in the search for “the truth of this world” and the way to overcome capitalism to attend this meeting and take part in the debate.

If you want to attend, please write to us at international


International Online Public Meeting