Not since 1929 has an economic crisis struck with such violence against the world proletariat. Everywhere, unemployment and poverty are exploding. This dramatic situation can only provoke a strong feeling of anger among workers. But to transform this anger into combativity is very difficult today. What do you do when your factory closes? How do you fight back? What type of strikes or actions do you undertake? And for those that still have a job, how do you resist wage cuts, unpaid supplementary hours and the increases in productivity and flexibility when the boss uses the odious blackmail of "There's the door, if you don't like it there's millions more to take your place"? The brutality of this recession is a source of terrible, sometimes paralysing anxiety for workers' families.
However, in these last months important strikes have broken out:
But it's in Britain that the clearest advance of consciousness within the working class has been expressed. At the beginning of the year, workers at the Lindsey refinery were at the heart of a wave of wildcat strikes. This struggle, at its beginning, was held back by the weight of nationalism, symbolised by the slogan "British jobs for British workers". The ruling class used these nationalist ideas to the full by presenting this strike as being against Italian and Portuguese workers employed on the site. However, the bourgeoisie suddenly put an end to this strike when banners begun to appear calling on Portuguese and Italian workers to join the struggle, affirming "Workers of the World, Unite!", and when construction workers from Poland joined in wildcat strikes in Plymouth. Instead of a workers' defeat, with growing tensions between workers of different countries, the workers at Lindsey obtained the creation of 101 supplementary jobs (the Italian and Portuguese workers keeping theirs), gained assurances that no worker would be sacked and, above all, returned to work united. When, in June, Total announced the sacking of 51 then of 640 employees, the workers based their reaction on this recent experience. The new wave of struggle broke out straightaway on a much clearer basis: solidarity with the sacked workers. And quickly, wildcat strikes broke out throughout the country. "Workers from power stations, refineries, factories in Cheshire, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Oxford, South Wales and Teesside stopped work to show their solidarity".[3] "There were also signs that the strike was spreading to the nuclear industry; then EDF Energy said that the contractors at the nuclear reactor of Hinckley Point in Somerset had stopped work".[4] The oldest fraction of the world proletariat showed on this occasion that the strength of the working class above all resides in its capacity for unity and solidarity.
All these struggles can seem little in comparison with the gravity of the situation. And, effectively, the future of humanity will necessarily demand proletarian combats of quite another breadth and scale. But if the present economic crisis has left the proletariat somewhat stupefied up to now, it nevertheless remains the most fertile ground for the future development of workers' combativity and consciousness. In this sense, these examples of struggles, that carry within them the germ of unity, solidarity and human dignity, are promises for the future.
Mehdi 8/7/9
[1]. Source: "News from the front" ( [1]).
[2]. For more information on this struggle, read our article in Spanish "Vigo: Los metados sinidicales conducen a la derrota" ( [2])
[3]. The Independent, June 20th.
[4]. The Times.