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  1. The Russian revolution echoes in Brazil, 1918-21

    ... “ is a libertarian revolution which opens the way to anarchism. ” 18 The 1917 Russian revolution had an enormous impact ...

    International Review - 2023-08-29 06:00

  2. International Situation (1981)

    ... 2.66 3.36 5.16 6.35 ...

    International Review - 2021-03-22 00:38

  3. Castoriadis, Munis and the problem of breaking with Trotskyism Second part: On the content of the communist revolution

    ... itself (and thus ended up in a “new look” kind of anarchism). Even though, as we shall also examine, FSCM indicates the ...

    International Review - 2023-08-22 06:00

  4. Analysing the riots from a working class standpoint

    ... question of behaviour. SolFed, finding the riots blamed on anarchism, their political heritage, say clearly “ there should be no ...

    ICConline - 2023-08-14 06:00

  5. Update of the Theses on Decomposition (2023)

    ... empty and subjective dialectics of the various strands of anarchism and modernism which remain at the confused level of only finding ...

    International Review - 2023-07-30 10:43

  6. Solfed and the Anarchist Federation: Debating the role of the unions

    ... Political currents and reference:  Internationalist anarchism Revolutionary syndicalism Anarchist Federation ...

    ICConline - 2023-07-20 06:00

  7. War fever, internationalism, and the limitations of anarchism

    ... a lot of controversy is an article called “British anarchism succumbs to war fever” [1] by Albatross, which opens up with a ... I'm glad that the aid (ie from the western powers – WR ) is shooting down the bombs, clearing the mines and ending the crimes of ...

    ICConline - 2023-03-30 12:22

  8. Comprehensive spending review: An attack on the whole working class

    ... to raise cash. The richest 1,000 people in Britain have £336 billion and they are getting richer all the time ― their wealth rose by ...

    World Revolution - 2010-11-07 18:50

  9. The electoral circus and the falsifiers of marxism

    ... left of capital (from Stalinists and Trotskyists to official anarchism) are also involved in this electoral process with all their might. ... [5] [6] ...

    ICConline - 2023-05-25 13:40

  10. Polemic with Aufheben: An attack on the theory of decadence is an attack on Marxism

    ... revolutionary subject” in an eclectic mix of Marxism and anarchism. In the post-war period, their attention is drawn to currents like ... which distinguishes Marxism from all the varieties of anarchism and utopianism. Thus, when Aufheben attacks the theory ...

    World Revolution - 2023-04-21 09:28
