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  1. Against Morsi, against the military: for class struggle!

    ... seen as a ‘state with the state’ [3] . The international context, above all the free for all between the big global ...

    ICConline - 2013-09-08 07:45

  2. With or without democracy, capitalism offers only chaos and war

    ... our disposal to get the Iranians to finally live up to their international obligations.” (Yahoonews, 4.2.05) In other words, the ...

    World Revolution - 2005-03-07 09:14

  3. Afternoon session: Discussion of 'Why state socialism is impossible'

    ... any progressive content. However even here, Marx and the 1st International recognised a change in the situation: in their first address to ...

    ICConline - 2007-09-29 22:44

  4. U.S. Sinks Deeper into Iraq Quagmire

    ... refusal to talk to Syria and Iran and convening an international conference in the Middle East on the future of Iraq that would ...

    Internationalism USA - 2013-07-07 15:04

  5. DOWN WITH THE POLICE STATE! For the solidarity of all the workers with the students attacked by the cops!

    ... against the CPE. Like all workers' struggles that have an international effect, it is a step on the way to the future overthrow of ...

    ICConline - 2008-01-04 14:24
