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  1. Paddington rail crash: product of capitalist competition

    ... in the wrecked carriages, alongside the shock and grief of the bereaved, there has bee the shock and grief of the bereaved, there has ... brief: this whole society is itself a runaway train pulling humanity towards catastrophe. But the red light has not been passed. It is ...

    World Revolution - 2005-01-09 16:13

  2. Israel/Palestine: Against nationalism! For class solidarity!

    ... media are telling us that all this violence is the result of religious fanaticism and the climate of mutual intolerance between two ... bourgeoisies and governments. More than ever the future of humanity depends on the international development of the workers’ struggle. ...

    World Revolution - 2004-12-26 19:01

  3. Pensions at Risk: Attack on the Working Class

    2770 reads The pensions of American workers face an unrelenting attack as part of the ruling class’ ... bankruptcy of global capitalism and the fact that it offers humanity a future of death and destruction. J. Grevin, 25/6/05. ...

    Internationalism USA - 2005-07-03 14:57

  4. The unions in decadent capitalism

    4305 reads THE DECADENCE OF CAPITALISM With the onset of the twentieth century the conditions which had allowed for capitalism’s ... Since World War I, capitalist decadence has plunged humanity into the barbarity of a recurring cycle of crisis, war, and ...

    ICConline - 2005-06-05 19:31

  5. October 1917: The soviets organise the insurrection

    2939 reads In the last two issues of WR, we have been marking the 90th anniversary of the October revolution in ... above all, expressions of a movement for the emancipation of humanity, of the direct, passionate, creative initiative and leadership of ...

    World Revolution - 2007-12-03 09:45

  6. Australia: Chef Cookers factory struggle sabotaged

    ... and, for at least a century, been a major source of racism and virulent Australian nationalism in the "labour movement". ... if capital is not in a serious crisis which threatens humanity with wars and worse, what need is there for a fight to the finish? ...

    World Revolution - 2005-03-31 19:19

  7. The situation after World War 2

    5685 reads In the wake of World War II, the national movements in the colonies evolved in two ways, ... as of the continuing inability of capitalism to provide for humanity’s most basic needs, and the extreme social decomposition of the ...

    ICC - 2006-02-01 10:23

  8. For workers' unity against all racial divisions

    3431 reads At the end of the 19th century Frederick Engels called anti-semitism "the socialism of fools". You're poor, you're exploited, your life is miserable - so blame ... only a worldwide workers' revolution can finally free humanity from the insane national and racial divisions which threaten its very ...

    World Revolution - 2005-07-24 00:31

  9. Imperialist chaos, ecological disaster: Twin-track to capitalist oblivion

    ... barbarism if left to its own devices. Indeed, the evolution of imperialist war over the last hundred years has provided more and more ... cannot answer in a meaningful way the most pressing needs of humanity. All is not lost for the proletarians: they still have a ...

    International Review - 2007-06-03 11:08

  10. 60 Years ago: a conference of internationalist revolutionaries

    ... time since 1979, the Congress was able to welcome delegates of other internationalist groups coming literally from the four corners of the ... This is the class that has the mission to save the whole of humanity from the terrible and bloody destruction that is in the making and ...

    International Review - 2008-02-04 20:17
