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  1. Understanding the current state of the class struggle

    ... not always positive. Also, in the context of the postal strike, they say ( IS 124) that the " union is able to keep the lid ... action. " Elsewhere " There was a point in the Visteon dispute where the trade union officials nearly got hold of it and put it at ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:44

  2. History of the workers’ movement: Revolution in Germany 1918-19 Mass strikes and tragic defeat

    ... at the beginning of 1919 was as follows: February 28: USPD 305; SPD 271; KPD 99; Democrats:95. April 19: USPD 312; SPD 164; KPD 103; ...

    World Revolution - 2009-02-08 22:18

  3. Part 12: The rise of syndicalism and industrial unionism

    ... Socialist Labour Party ( see part 10 of this series in WR 228). In its report to the 1907 Stuttgart Congress of the Second ... working class. Its most significant activity arose during a dispute at the Singer factory in Scotland where a branch of the IWGB was ...

    ICConline - 2022-06-22 10:12

  4. A summer of catastrophes: capitalism kills

    ... MANAGE US! We are working with rifles pointed at us... " ( WR 305). There had already been a collision between a Boeing and another plane at ...

    World Revolution - 2007-09-09 12:59

  5. Leftist union in the Philippines connived with management against the workers

    ... its title also," Furniture workers win major concessions as dispute settled ". According to the press release, " The workers of ...

    ICConline - 2021-08-19 21:13

  6. Polemic: Where is the F.O.R. going?

    ... military victory" of the Republic against fascism (ibid, p. 305). And what we can say about his enthusiasm for the much-vaunted ...

    International Review - 2009-07-10 20:34

  7. Tea Break: What went wrong with the strikes in 2007?

    ... form of the Dispatch bulletin which we commented on in WR 307 (‘Dispatch: Workers' groups and the potential for wider intervention ... mistakes in order not to repeat them again. Postal staff started well, with rolling strikes and a work to rule followed by ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:42

  8. 1 - The theory of decadence lies at the heart of historical materialism, part i

    ... production that the bourgeoisie would feel strong enough to dispute power with the aristocracy. Let’s note in passing that this formally ...

    International Review - 2022-05-22 18:05

  9. Occupy London: the weight of illusions

    ... of the world, the economy and political action is beyond dispute. A comrade of WR recently visited both occupied sites: “ I visited Finsbury Square ...

    World Revolution - 2022-04-04 17:50

  10. Workers can only win if they spread the struggle

    ... must have breathed a collective sigh of relief when postal workers walked out en masse in October. With further action threatened ... night meetings at TUC headquarters. But as we explained in WR 308 , the CWU were late to ‘take the battle' to the Royal Mail ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:42
