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  1. CWU: Fireguard against workers’ action

    ... Royal Mail have been dragged out now for over five months. Postal workers have been treated to a management imposed deal and union delays ... attacks and bullying at all levels, the militancy of the postal workers has already exploded in a number of local, unofficial walk-outs, ...

    World Revolution - 2013-07-07 17:42

  2. What does it mean to struggle as part of the working class?

    ... Now the junior doctors are striking here in England in a dispute over a contract that involves both a pay cut and problems of staffing ... and before that the CWU used exactly the same tactic with postal workers. It is a tactic that gives the unions great control, even at the ...

    ICConline - 2016-04-11 08:47

  3. Behind the row over reforms the state cuts education funding

    ... controlled by the central state.   There is also a dispute over schools’ control of admission criteria . The ...

    ICConline - 2021-07-10 16:35

  4. Presidential elections in Venezuela: Both Chavez and the opposition parties are against the working class

    ... has pushed the different factions of the bourgeoisie into dispute over the central state power. The opposition forces are benefiting from ... of the Venezuelan proletariat. The electoral dispute is just a moment in the confrontation between different factions of ...

    ICConline - 2021-06-06 17:15

  5. Economic attacks expose the fraud of “levelling up”

    ... in the Uber transport and delivery industries, in the postal sector, in the universities and elsewhere. Although small and generally ...

    ICConline - 2021-10-10 10:36

  6. Germany 1918-19 (iv): Civil War

    ... beginning of 1919 was as follows. February 28th: USPD 305; SPD 271; KPD 99; Democrats:95. April 19 th: USPD 312; SPD 164; KPD ...

    International Review - 2009-06-08 13:03

  7. In memory of Graeme Imray (1950 -2008)

    ... dockers' strike of the mid-90s. A detailed analysis of this dispute, written by Graeme, can be found at ...

    World Revolution - 2021-08-19 15:34

  8. WikiLeaks Scandal Reinforces Myth of Bourgeois Democracy

    ... to the US national security. On the other side of the dispute stand those that consider WikiLeaks as some kind of 21st century ...

    Internationalism USA - 2021-08-19 18:08

  9. Contribution to a history of the workers' movement in Africa (part 2): 1914-28

    ... the same servitude. We find examples of them among teachers, postal workers, women typists, trade employees. [...] Through these means, ... also went into struggle to make themselves heard. The postal strike After this, in order to obtain increases in wages and better ...

    International Review - 2011-12-19 16:52

  10. International situation: notes on the history of US imperialist policy since World War II, part ii

    ... symbolised the divisive upheaval in the US as the internal dispute within the bourgeoisie heated up, at the same time as unrest grew on ... unreliable ally – a potential enemy in fact. It was this dispute that underlay the various scandals during late 1990s and the Clinton ...

    International Review - 2021-06-19 18:29
