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  1. Capitalism has no future: that’s why we need a revolution

    ... Hollande in France, to the whole ‘left’, the present economic crisis is the fault of the bankers and need never have happened; but ... can unite us across divisions of job and union, where we can debate about the best methods of fighting and the overall goals of our fight; ...

    ICConline - 2024-01-28 12:05

  2. Germany 1923: The bourgeoisie inflicts a decisive defeat on the working class

    ... of peace. That the beginning of this link lies in the economic field, is in the nature of the situation as a whole; but its strength ... of all workers’ struggles in the period of capitalist decadence: large numbers of workers left the unions. In the factories workers ...

    International Review - 2024-01-28 21:00

  3. The Covid crisis shows the dead end of capitalism

    ... This means more deaths. More shattered health systems. More economic misery” [3] . Each state adopts its own strategy and only ... general interests of capitalism even in the context of the decadence of the system. But in this phase of decomposition, the tendency ...

    ICConline - 2024-01-28 21:18

  4. Apollo 11 and the lunar landing: the adventure that wasn’t

    ... we would support regardless (...) of which political or economic route they should choose to freedom.  For the adversaries of freedom ... programme's success marked the moment when capitalism's decadence caught up with the American Dream. The country was bogged down in the ...

    ICConline - 2024-01-28 21:12

  5. Class Tensions in Canada

    ... the legislation was necessary to “protect Canada’s economic recovery.” This set-off a veritable campaign on the left against the ... Raitt didn’t even wait for the House of Commons to debate any legislation, unilaterally referring the dispute to the Canadian ...

    Internationalism USA - 2024-01-28 20:47

  6. Reflections on the split in the Anarchist Federation

    ... affirms that the class struggle is not restricted to the economic sphere but has numerous dimensions: social, political, moral, ... in the AF, for all our criticisms, we remain open to further debate, not only with those who left but also with those who chose to stay in ...

    ICConline - 2024-01-28 20:43

  7. “Obamacare”: Political Chaos for the Bourgeoisie, Austerity for the Working Class

    ... of the political situation of the American bourgeoisie, the economic crisis has for some time fueled the development of deep and growing ... of the American ruling class. As the rather unexpected debate over the health care law in the Supreme Court showed, the increasing ...

    Internationalism USA - 2024-01-28 17:04

  8. 1914: How the 2nd International failed

    ... own historical perspective and defending its own immediate economic and social interests. This process, indeed, had already been ... significance of these new conditions and began pushing for a debate within the German Party, the right and the unions did everything they ...

    International Review - 2024-01-28 11:20

  9. Declaration for revolutionary organization, Belgrade (2011)

    ... questions can only be elucidated through open and fraternal debate. ICC, February 2012 Declaration for revolutionary ... the first place : their primary purpose was a struggle for economic and political reforms, where an anti-political consciousness was yet ...

    ICConline - 2024-01-28 11:07

  10. The ‘9/11 Truth’ Movement and the Machiavellianism of the Bourgeoisie

    ... few years as a result of the Iraq quagmire and a developing economic catastrophe—the state has been forced to plead incompetence! ... [5] Online at [6] David Ray Griffin. ...

    ICConline - 2024-01-28 11:14
