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On the weekend of March 5/6 2022, the ICC will be organising online public meetings around the theme:

Faced with deepening capitalist barbarism and the return of workers’ struggles, what is the role of revolutionaries?

The meetings will be held on the morning of Saturday 5th March, to make it easier for comrades in Asia to take part, and the early evening of Sunday the 6th, so that comrades in the US can attend. For further details, write to us at [email protected].


In autumn 2021 the ICC organised public meetings worldwide on the theme “The worsening dissolution of capitalism: its dangers for humanity and the responsibility of the proletariat”. In the introduction to the discussion the following points were raised: the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Covid pandemic and the consequences of the changing climate.

The articles below are a first response to some of the issues and disagreements raised by the discussion at these meetings

Why does the ICC defend the validity of the concept of decomposition of capitalism?

Polêmica sobre a realidade da fase atual de decomposição do capitalismo


ICC public meetings: